Night Probe!
AC Cobra. One of Pitt's cars. A red 1966 model with a 427-cubic-inch engine.
Anoida. A condition resulting from an overabundance of CO2 in a human's system. Make the sufferer giddy and possibly hallucinatory. Klinger suffers the condition aboard the Sappho I when the air scrubbers don't function properly.
Argo ground-to-air missiles. Type of British hand-held missiles used for the attack on Canada One. Compact, the missiles weigh only thirty pounds.
Argus, Henry. Was due to meet Burton at the Glen Echo Racquet Club. When Argus cancels, Burton-Angus is paired with Murphy. While waiting for a racquetball court, Murphy asks Burton-Angus for information about the North American Treaty.
Arlington College of Archaeology. Where the copy of the North American treaty recovered from the Empress of Ireland is taken.
Army and Navy Club. Restaurant favored by Sandecker.
Arvada, U.S.S. U.S. Navy amphibious landing transport vessel. Milligan is assigned as the communications officer. The ship is bound from San Diego to the Indian Ocean, but when it develops problems with the automated steering system, it is ordered to stop in Los Angeles for repairs. Clive is having some fun here.
Arvada, Colorado, is the suburb in Denver where Clive was living when he wrote Raise the Titanic!
Asquith, Henry Herbert. British prime minister when Woodrow Wilson was president. Signed the North American treaty.
Baby. Nickname for the RSV.
Baldwin Locomotive. Atlantic type 4-4-2 owned by Ansel Magee. The locomotive rolled out of the Baldwin Works in 1906 and pulled the Overland Limited from Chicago to Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Beaseley, Peter. Chief librarian of the British Foreign Office in London. It is said that Beaseley knows more about the Foreign Office than any man alive. Described as white-haired. Smokes a pipe. Discovers information about the North American Treaty for the British.
Beatty, Professor Preston. Considered a leading authority on unsolved crimes. An author of numerous books on the subject. Beatty is described as having blue-green eyes over a salt-and-pepper beard. Pitt guesses his age at late forties. Has stern, craggy features and silver-edged hair. Beatty tells Pitt the history of Massey.
Bentley, Sergeant. Royal Marine commanded by Macklin.
Beretta .25-caliber. Handgun favored by Shaw.
Bond, James. Famous character created by Ian Fleming, mentioned by Pitt to Shaw after Pitt arranges for Shaw to fly on the same flight as Milligan.
Borden, Sir Robert. Canadian prime minister just prior to World War I. He was one of the signers of the North American Treaty.
Boucher, Jean. Guerrier's bodyguard/chauffeur. Finds Guerrier's corpse after he is smothered by Gly. Wife and two children. Originally hired by Guerrier in May 1962. Only witness who claims Villon was the last person to see Guerrier alive.
British Army S-66 long-range reconnaissance scope. Type of scope Shaw uses to spy on the Ocean Venturer. Can read a newspaper headline at five miles.
British prime minister. Described as a formidably heavy-featured man with unblinking blue eyes and a mouth that ticks up at the edges in a perpetual smile.
Brogan Martin. U.S. director of Central Intelligence.
Brown Bess. Black-powder rifle owned by Epstein. The weapon is a flintlock seventy-fiver that was used by the British soldiers during the Revolutionary War.
Bryan, William Jennings. Political sage who ran for president of the United States several times. Known as "The Great Commoner." Was President Wilson's secretary of state. In the photograph Milligan secures, he looks portly and grinning.
Burton, Angus, Leutenant Ewen. Aide to the naval attache for the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. The last six years and four months, he has actually worked for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Owns a home in Devon, England. Present when the Manhattan Limited is found. Killed by fire from U.S. Marines.
Button Islands. Located in the Labrador Sea off Newfoundland. The Doodlebug is ten miles off the Button Islands when attacked.
Caldweiler, Eric. Former superintendent of a coal mine in Wales. Described as stockily built. Supervises the British effort to tunnel into the mountain where the Manhattan Limited is trapped. Smokes a pipe.
Canada One. Code name for Prime Minister Sarveux's official plane. A four-jet-engined plane that weighs two hundred tons. Forty-two men and women die when it bursts into flames when landing after being hit by an Argo missile fired by Gly's team.
Canadian prime minister's mansion. Described as having a three-story stone exterior that is cold and morbid. Has a long foyer with a high ceiling, traditional furnishings and a wide circular staircase that leads to the bedrooms.
Chase, Glen. Captain of the DeSoto Described as taciturn and balding. Chase refuses to use the language of the sea. Instead of port, he says left; instead of mooring, he says parking. Present when the Manhattan Limited is found.
Churchill, Winston. British prime minister who at the time of World War I was First Lord of the Admiralty.
Coli, Otis. Director of the Quebec Institute of Marine Engineering. Described as a gorilla of a man, barrel-chested and with a rounded, heavy-browed face. His white hair passes his collar, and his mustache, beneath a thin, sloping nose, looks as if it has been clipped with sheep shears, Smokes du Maurier cigarettes with a gold-tipped filter.
Collins. JIM suit operator who finds himself stuck in the wreckage of the Empress of Ireland after the explosion. Glancing around, he discovers the body of Shields, and Pitt realizes Collins is inside Shields's cabin.
Control Center. Part of the James Bay Project. Located ten floors above the generator room, it is accessed by a security card system. The room is small and spartan and contains four engineers who monitor the manual systems.
Cummings-Wray sender. Early radio device that is used by the New York & Quebec Railroad to communicate. Has a selector wheel. Harding tries to use it to call Albany, New York, to find out information about the Manhattan Limited.
DeSoto. NUMA's new research vessel. A trim vessel sixty feet in length especially designed for cruising inland waterways.
DeauviBe-Hudson Bridge. Railroad bridge near the Wacketshire Station; the Manhattan Limited plunged off it. It is one hundred fifty feet from the bridge to the Hudson River. One section of the bridge spanned a five-hundred-foot-long truss. The bridge was the fifth longest in the world when it was constructed.
Dispatch. Code name used by Moran in the attack on Canada One.
Doodlebug. Built with six hundred eighty million dollars earmarked for the Department of Energy but diverted to NUMA. The Doodlebug is an underwater geology submersible. Described as "the inner half of 218 an aircraft wing standing on end" and "the conning tower of a submarine that has lost its hull." Has an aluminum shell built around its instrument package. In briefing the president, Sandecker explains that the Doodlebug can see through ten miles of solid rock and identify fifty-one different minerals and metal traces. The Doodlebug's instruments transmit a sharply focused, concentrated pulse of energy straight down into the earth. After escaping the attack from the U.S. submarine, the Doodlebug finds "the grand daddy of stratigraphic traps," or a giant oil field in the waters off Quebec. The field measures ninety-five miles by three-quarters of a mile wide and is estimated to contain as much as eight billion barrels of oil. Later used on the Manhattan Limited project.
Dunning, Art. NUMA team master of the dive rescue team aboard the Ocean Venturer. Locates the saturation chamber after the explosion on the Empress of Ireland and finds all the divers inside dead.
Emmett, Ray. The pilot of Canada One.
Empress Of Ireland. Name of the Canadian luxury liner bound for England that sinks after being rammed by a Norwegian coal collier named Storstad in the St. Lawrence River. A copy of the North American Treaty is aboard. Owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the vessel and her sister ship, the Empress of Britain, displaced fourteen thousand tons and were five hundred fifty feet long. Twin-screw vessels. One of the twenty-foot diameter, thirty-ton, four-bladed bronze propellers was salvaged in 1968.
Epstein, Joe. A columnist for the Baltimore Sun. Epstein is an avid black-powder marksman on weekends. Described as bald-headed.
Ericsson, Dr. Medical chief of staff at the hospital James Sarveux is taken to after the attack on Canada One.
Esbenson, Robert. Buyer of the Mercedes-Benz 540K at the Richmond Auction Pitt attends. In real life, Esbenson was Clive's partner in the classic car business.
Essex, John. Grandson of Richard Essex. Seventy-five years old. Operates a sophisticated oyster farming operation in ponds along the Potomac River near Coles Point, Virginia. Described as having twinkling blue eyes and prominent high cheekbones. Has a white beard and mustache. His body shows no fat. Was once assigned to the American Embassy in London. His wife died ten years ago. Has three children. Inside an ornately carved antique credenza with a secret compartment in his office, he holds information about the North American Treaty. His decomposing body is discovered by Pitt after he dies from a clot in his coronary artery.
Essex, Richard. The person in charge of transporting the copy of the North American Treaty on the Manhattan Limited Was President Wilson's undersecretary of state. In the photograph Milligan secures, he is said to appear dapper and refined and to be wearing a broad smile. Died in 1914 at age forty-two.
Field Foreman. Code-name used by Gly in the attack on Canada One.
Finn, Commissioner Harold. Commissioner of the Canadian Mounties. Described as an unimpressive little man in rumpled clothes, the sort who is lost in a crowd or melts in with the furniture during a party. His charcoal hair is parted down the middle and contrasts with his bushy white eyebrows. Solves the mystery of Gly impersonating Villon. Is present at the payoff to Gly, and supervises the work on the jet's autopilot so Gly and his plane crash into the ocean.
Forbes Excavation Company. Company that operated the quarry from 1882 to 1910, where limestone was mined and sent along the spur at Mondragon Hook Junction.
Foreign Office. The branch of the British government office of internal affairs. Where the North American Treaty was headed aboard the Empress of Ireland Free Quebec Society. Known by the acronym FQS, an underground terrorist movement. Tied to Moscow, the FQS has assassinated several Canadian officials.
Galasso, Dr. Melvin. Person at the Arlington College of Archaeology who attempts to remove the North American Treaty from the leather bag found aboard the wreck of the EmPress of Ireland Described as sixtyish, walking with a slight stoop and possessing a face like Dr. Jekyll after he becomes Mr. Hyde. After carefully removing the treaty from the leather bag, he finds it is an unreadable mush.
Gallopin' Lena. Nickname of the 2-8-0 Constellationtype locomotive that pulls the Manhattan Limited. Built by Alco's Schenectady Works in 1911 out of 236,000 pounds of iron and steel, she is finished in gloss black with a red stripe. Her number is 88, and it is neatly hand-painted in gold.
Gardner, Mildred. Head archivist of Princeton University. Has a nineteen-fortyish pageboy haircut.
Generator room. Part of the James Bay Project, the generator room spans twelve acres of space carved out of solid granite four hundred feet underground. Three rows of huge generators, five stories high and driven by water turbines, fill the space. Each generator produces five hundred thousand kilowatts of electrical energy.
George V. King of England just prior to World War I. Gilmore. NUMA worker in the engine room of the Ocean Venturer. Survives the explosion with a skull fracture.
Gly, Foss. Person who tries to assassinate Sarveux. Described as having a great mass of sandy-colored hair and a square, ruddy face. Has congenial brown eyes and a firm-cut chin. His nose is large and misshapen from numerous breaks suffered in back-alley brawls. Occasionally smokes cigarettes. Born in Flagstaff, Arizona, as a result of a drunken coupling between a professional wrestler and a county sheriff's daughter. His childhood was a nightmare of suffering and whippings from his grandfather. When older, he beat the sheriff to death and fled the state. Later, he rolled drunks in Denver, led a string of auto thieves in Los Angeles and hijacked gasoline trucks in Texas. Professional assassin who prefers to think of himself as a coordinator. Where most murders follow a pattern, Gly's is that he does not have one. Disguised as Henri Villon, Gly goes to murder Guerrier with the intent of using an exotic poison, then decides instead to smother him with a pillow.
Gosset, Miss. Secretary to Beaseley. Helps Beaseley in the search at the Sanctuary Building for records pertaining to the North American Treaty.
Grey, Sir Edward. British foreign secretary during the time of Woodrow Wilson's presidency.
Guerrier. Premier of Quebec and the Parti Quebecois. Described as in his late seventies, tall and slender with unkempt silver hair and thick, tangled beard. Has false teeth. Smothered with a pillow by Foss Gly disguised as Henri Villon."
Harding, Sam. Ticket agent at the Wacketshire office of the New York & Quebec Railroad. After the Wacketshire Station is robbed by Massey, Harding runs down the tracks looking for the Manhattan Limited, falling, he gashes his leg on a railroad spike.
Heiser Foundation. An analytical laboratory in Brooklyn, New York, to which Pitt takes pieces of the Deauvifle-Hudson Bridge. The laboratory quickly determines the bridge was cleverly and systematically blown up.
Hoker, Doug. NUMA operator of the RSV controlled from aboard the Ocean Venturer. Described as a cheerful fat man with curly strawberry hair and freckles. Has a great flash of teeth.
Holographic Communications System. A three-dimensional telephone-television system installed in the White House.
Honjo Maru. Japanese container ship six hundred sixty-five feet in length. After delivering four hundred new electric cars from Kobe, Japan, the vessel is making a return trip loaded with a cargo of newsprint paper. Gly rams this vessel with the hydroplane.
Hooper, Sergeant. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance sergeant present at the flooded mountain that contains the Manhattan Limited. Chews tobacco.
Humberly, Graham. A well-heeled Los Angeles RollsRoyce dealer. Humberly is a former British subject who cultivates an enormous channel of important contacts, particularly in the United States Navy. Described as a small man with a head too large for his shoulders. Lives in a posh house in Palos Verde, a bedroom community of Los Angeles. The house is a blend of contemporary and California Spanish, with rough-coated plaster walls and ceilings, laced with massive weathered beams covered by a roof of curved red tile. A large fountain splashes on the main terrace and spills into the swimming pool. The house has a view of the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island. At a party at his home, Humberly introduces Shaw to Milligan.
Hunt, Malcom. Deputy prime minister of Canada. Smokes a pipe. Hunt is of British descent and a graduate of Oxford University.
Huron, ILM.C.S. Canadian destroyer ordered to chase the Ocean Venturer away from the wreck of the Empress of Ireland Huston, Mrs. Formerly the secretary to the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service. A year after Shaw retired, she married Graham Huston, who then worked at the British Secret Intelligence Service in the cryptographic analysis section. Both she and her husband are now retired and pensioned and operate an antique shop in London.
Jackson. NUMA worker in the engine room of the Ocean Venturer. Survives the explosion with a broken knee.
James Bay. Canadian hydroelectric project. James Bay has eighteen dams, twelve powerhouses and a work force of nearly ninety thousand people. The project involved the rechanneling of two rivers the size of the Colorado River. James Bay is the largest and most expensive hydroelectric project in history, built at a cost of twenty-six billion dollars. The project was begun in 1974 and generates over one hundred million kilowatts of electricity which will double in the next twenty years. The amount of electricity that flows to the United States is enough to light fifteen states. The project is guarded by a five-hundred-man security force.
Jeffrey, Ian. Sarveux's principal secretary. Described as a serious-faced man in his late twenties.
Jensen Convertible, 1950. A four-door, two-tone straw and beige 130-horsepower automobile at the auction in Richmond that Pitt attends. He buys the Jensen and drives it home to his garage with Moon as passenger.
JIM suit. An articulated deep-water atmospheric diving system. It is constructed of magnesium and fiberglass. In air, the suit weighs eleven hundred pounds; underwater, it weighs only about sixty.
Kemper, Admiral Joe. Chief of U.S. naval operations. Sandecker calls Kemper to halt the attack on the Doodlebug.
Kendall, Captain. Captain of the Empress of Ireland the night she sank.
King, Dr. Rainon. The creative genius behind the Doodlebug. Described as having a light-skinned, narrow, gloomy face, with a jutting jaw and barbed-wire eyebrows-the kind of face that mirrors nothing and barely displays a change of expressions.
Kitchner, Lord, Field Marshal. British secretary of war during World War I. Klein, Dr. Ronald. The secretary of energy. Described as a scholarly-looking man with long white hair and a large condor nose. He is six feet five inches tall.
Klinger, Sid. One of the NUMA operators of the Sappho L Loses a tooth when the explosives are ignited on the Empress of Ireland.
Labrador Sea. Where the Doodlebug is operating when it is attacked by U.S. Navy Ambe@ack-class submarine.
Lac St. Joseph. Location of the airfield near Quebec City that belongs to the Royal Canadian Air Force. Site of the payoff from Sarveux to Gly.
Lasky, Bill. Electronic panel operator on the Doodlebug when it is attacked by Navy Amberjack-class submarine.
Le Mat, Jules. Captain of the work ship that first delivers Pitt to the site on the St. Lawrence River the Empress of Ireland is under.
Library of Congress. Famous library in Washington, D.C. where John Essex tells Milligan his grandfather's personal papers are stored.
Lubin, Jerry. A mining consultant with the Federal Resources Agency. Described as a small, humorless man with a pawnbroker nose and bloodhound eyes. Lubin supervises the NUMA team locating the Manhattan Limited.
Macklin, Lieutenant Digby. Leader of the fourteen British Royal Marine paratroopers who parachute onto the hill where the Manhattan Limited is hidden. Wounded in arm and foot by fire from U.S. Marines. Surrenders to Sanchez.
Magee, Annie. Wife of Ansel Magee. Described as carrying herself languidly and standing tall. Her shape is pencil thin and Pitt guesses she was once a fashion model. Her hair is salt-and-pepper and gracefully styled.
Magee, Ansel. Famous sculptor who owns a home near the Deauville-Hudson Bridge. Described as having a kindly, elffike face. Has suffered several heart attacks. Has the Wacketshire station restored and attached to his house. Secretary to the president of the United States.
Magnificent Pitt, the Illusionist. What Pitt calls himself to Milligan when he produces Shaw at Kennedy Airport and disappears.
Manhattan Limited. The train taken by Richard Essex. The tram cames mnety passengers, not including the crew and the special government car Essex is aboard. Essex has a copy of the North American Treaty. The copy is lost when the train disappears. Pitt discovers that the train was also carrying St. Gauden's twenty dollar gold pieces struck in 1914 at the Philadelphia mint, worth two million dollars. Gold is now worth over three hundred million dollars.
Manuden, England. A village outside London where Shaw attends the ftmeral for the former chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service.
Martha. The young girl who dies in the collision of the Empress of Ireland Described as having golden hair nearly three feet long. Her father finds her body with the help of Shields and chooses to stay with her as the ship sinks.
Masey, Clement. Alias Dapper Doyle. Man who robs the Wacketshire station of the New York & Quebec Railroad. Described as being built like a jockey, rail-thin and short. His mustache is as blond as his hair, which is tucked under a Panama straw hat. A fastidious dresser, he wears a Weber and Heilbroner English-cut suit with silk stitching. The razor-creased pants stop evenly above a pair of two-tone brown suede and leather shoes. Comes from a wealthy Boston family. Graduated Harvard summa cum laude. Established a thriving law practice that catered to the social elite of Providence, Massachusetts. Married a prominent socialite. Father to five children. Twice elected to the Massachusetts Senate. Turned over the money from the robberies he masterminded to the poor.
Mauser Automatic Pistol 7.63 Caliber. Weapon used by Massey when he robs the Wacketshire station. Pitt uses the handgun to wound Shaw.
May, Jack. Copilot of Canada One.
McComb, Superintendent. Officer in charge of records for the Canadian Mounted Police. McComb calls VilIon with information about Roubaix.
McComb, Dr. Walter. Chief chemist at the Heiser Foundation. Described as fifteen years older than Pitt and seventy pounds heavier.
McGovern, Dr. Abner. Doctor who performs the second autopsy on Guerrier. Has been with the Canadian Mounties forensic pathology staff for forty years. Discovers Guerrier was murdered.
Meechum, Hiram. The Western Union night man at the Wacketshire station of the New York & Quebec Railroad. When Meechum attempts to signal the Manhattan Limited, Massey shoots him in the hip, then smashes his Mauser pistol against his head.
Mercedes-Benz 540K, 1939. Pearl-white automobile with custom Freestone & Webb bodywork, purchased at the Richmond car auction by Esbenson.
Metz. NUMA chief engineer aboard the Ocean Venturer.
Model T. Famous Ford automobile. The Wacketshire station of the New York & Quebec Railroad uses one as the depot hack. The hack has leatherette side curtains over oak side panels that are attached with Murphy fasteners.
Moffat, Alexander. Described as looking and acting like the archetype of a government official. His hair is trimmed short with an immaculately creased left-hand part. He exhibits a ramrod spine and precise correctness in speech and mannerism. Burton-Angus asks Moffat about the North American Treaty after talking to Murphy.
Mondritgon Hook Junction. Place where rail spur leaves the main line used by the Manhattan Limited.
La-Montserrat. Island in the Lesser Antilles southeast of Puerto Rico. Intended destination of Gly after he receives thirty-million-dollar payoff and jet from Sarveux.
Moon, Harrison IV. The chief of staff for the president of the United States. Described as being in his late twenties. Asks Pitt to search for the North American Treaty. Is present when Pitt delivers the treaty to the president in Canada.
Moran, Claude. Described as a reed-thin, pockmarked Marxist who works for the governor general of Quebec. In the missile attack on Sarveux, he is code named Dispatch.
Munson, Dr. Doctor at the hospital Sarveux is taken to after the attack on Canada One. Administers a narcotic to Sarveux after his wife leaves.
Murphy, Jack. The Senate historian.
National Archives. Located in Washington, D.C. the archives contain important papers pertaining to the United States.
New York & Quebec Northern Railroad. Company that operated the Manhattan Limited, later absorbed by the New York Central Railroad.
Night probe. Old divers' term for exploring the dark of underwater caves.
North American Treaty. Treaty signed by the United States and Britain that sells Canada to the United States. The deal was arranged because Britain was short of funds just prior to the outbreak of World War I. The price was one billion dollars, and one hundred fifty million was the down payment which, after the loss of the treaty copies, was converted to a loan.
O'Leery, Ms. Self-made woman with vast cosmetics fortune. Bids against Pitt for the Jensen Convertible but backs down. Pitt had a fling with her in the past.
Ocean Venturer. NUMA research vessel. Designed with a rounded bow and oval fantail, the egg-shaped bridge rests on an arched spire. Amidships is a derrick like those at an oil field. Hull is white-colored and double-hulled for breaking through ice. The vessel is heavily damaged by an explosion from the Empress of Ireland detonated by Gly. Total deaths from the explosion total twelve.
Official Secrets Vault. Section in the basement of the Sanctuary Building where Beaseley discovers the meaning of the North American Treaty.
Parkenham, Sir Edward. Led the last British force before the Royal Marines in Night Probe! to invade the United States. Parkenham and his group invaded New Orleans in 1814.
Pam Quebecois. Canadian political party that advocates a free Quebec.
Peace Tower. The tower, two hundred ninety-one feet taft, that forms the center block of the Canadian Parliament. Pitt orders Westler piloting the Scinletti to land in front of the tower.
Phoenix, U.S.S. U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser that is ordered to protect the Ocean Venturer from the Huron.
Pilcher, Nathan. With wife, Hattie, was owner of the Pilcher Inn in Poughkeepsie, New York. Murdered, then cooked and served between fifteen and twenty people.
Pointe all Pere. Also known as "Father's Point" in English. Location of the cemetery maintained by the Canadian Pacific Railway that holds the graves of the eighty-eight, mostly third-class passengers that were unidentified victims of the sinking of the Empress of Ireland
Powers, Mary. One of the NUMA operators of the Sappho I on the Empress of Ireland project. Breaks both arms and suffers a concussion when the explosives explode on the Empress of Ireland
President of the United States. Described as looking tired and worn. The president is small in stature, with brown hair streaked with white and thinning; his features, once cheerful and crinkling, are now set and solemn. A native of New Mexico, he was inaugurated only a few weeks prior after serving twenty years in the Senate. By education and occupation, he is an attorney.
Pullman car. Famous maker of railroad cars. The one Essex rides in is seventy feet long and finished in elaborately carved Circassian walnut. Brass electrical lights adorn the walls, and it features red velvet revolving chairs and potted palms. The sleeping compartment features beveled mirrors and ceramic tiled floors in the lavatories.
Pyroxone. A pliable incendiary substance that can burn underwater at incredibly high temperatures. Once molded to the surface to be burned, it is ignited by an electronic signal. Bums at three thousand degrees Celsius, so pyroxone can even burn through rock.
Quayle, Sam. Electronics wizard on the Doodlebug when it is attacked by U.S. Navy Amberjack-class submarine.
Quebec, Canada. French-Canadian providence in Canada that votes to become an independent country detached from the rest of Canada.
Quebec Hydro Power. The Canadian power company responsible for building and operating the James Bay Project.
Remote Search Vehicle. NUMA underwater propulsion vehicle used on the Empress of Ireland project. Described as shaped like an elongated teardrop, only three feet long and ten inches in diameter, it showed no protrusions on its smooth titanium skin. Steering and propulsion are provided by a small hydrojet pump with variable thrusters. Remotely controlled from aboard the Ocean Venturer. Nicknamed "Baby." The RSV is taken from the Empress of Ireland to a nearby trawler Shaw is aboard. Before the cameras are damaged, it records a picture of Shaw that Milligan identifies.
Rheingoid, Mr. Curator of the Long Island Railroad Museum. Rheingold is an elderly, retired accountant with a lifelong passion for railroads.
Riley, Nicholas. NUMA chief diver on the Manhattan Limited project. Pitt's dive partner on the night probe. Smashes his face mask against a stalactite and loses his left eye. Pitt places his hand on the safety line and orders Riley to follow it back to the entrance while he continues on toward the Manhattan Limited Rimonski, Quebec. Town in Quebec where Pitt meets Jules Le Mat and leaves aboard Le Mat's boat for the trip out to where the Empress of Ireland sank.
River Blackwater. River near Seward's End, Essex, England, where Morris meets with the British prime minister.
Roubert Max. Canadian mass-murderer later hung for his crimes. His early life is sketchy, no date of birth. An orphan. First official records begin at age twelve, when he was charged with killing chickens. Graduated to killing horses and was sentenced to two years in jail at age fourteen. After his release, bodies of tramps and drunks began turning up around Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where he resided. When evidence linked Roubaix to the killings, he disappeared into the Northwest Territories. Resurfaced six years later during Reil's Rebellion in 1885. Credited with killing thirteen Mounties during the rebellion. His favored method of killing was a garrote using a rawhide cord attached to wooden hand grips intricately carved into timber wolves to strangle the victims in their sleep. Described as frail of build and rather sickly, he suffered from consumption or what now is called tuberculosis. When Villon asks McComb to describe Roubaix, he replies: "I guess you could call him a homicidal maniac with a fetish for the stranglehold."
RSV. Acronym for remote search vehicle.
Ryan, Sergeant. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance sergeant.
Saban, Mrs. Molly. Guerrier's secretary. Delivers a bowl of chicken soup to Boucher at eight-thirty the night Guerrier is murdered.
Sakai, First Officer Shigaharu. First officer of the Honjo Maru.
Sanchez, Lieutenant. Leader of the three-squad, forty man, United States Marine force reconnaissance team that arrives in armored cars when the Manhattan Limited is found to support NUMA. Wounded in thigh.
Sanctuary Building. One of the five buildings scattered about London that hold records from the Foreign Office. The Sanctuary Building is located on Great Smith Street. The records of dealing with the United States during 1914 are on the second floor of the east wing.
Sappho I. NUMA deep water recovery vessel. Also used on Titanic project.
Sarveux, Danielle. Wife of James Sarveux for the last ten years. Described as having delicate features and raven hair that sweeps down in a cascade onto her right shoulder. Dresses in a fashion described as showy elegance. Is a secret supporter of the FQS. Had a long-running affair with Villon. Sleeps with a disguised Gly posing as Villon. Buried alive along with Villon in his automobile by Gly under orders from Charles Sarveux.
Sarveux, James. Prime minister of Canada. Described as a handsome man, his light blue eyes possess a mesmeric quality. His sharp-cut facial features are enhanced by a thick mass of gray hair loosely styled in a fashionable but casual look. Has a trim, medium height body. Purchases his suits off the racks of department stores. In the attack on Canada One, he suffers abrasions on over fifty percent of his body, heavy tissue loss on his hands and multiple fractures that may require him to use a cane. Many years ago, he was involved in an automobile accident that killed his mother. Discovers wife having affair with Villon. Orders Gly to kill the pair by burying them alive. Along with Finn, orders a thirty-million-dollar payoff to Gly to leave Canada. Secretly orders the plane rigged so it crashes into the ocean. Orders a press release that states that his wife, Danielle, and Villon were aboard the Gly plane. Has conducted secret talks with the president of the United States for years on the subject of United States and Canada uniting as a single country.
Saturation tank. A pressurized chamber divers live inside breathing a mixture of helium and oxygen. This mixture helps prevent the negative of nitrogen building up in the divers' bodies and creating a condition known as the bends.
Scinletti 440. Italian-made, vertical takeoff and landing two-engined jet. Pitt charters the jet to fly over the railroad tracks near the Deauville-Hudson Bridge.
Semaphore Lantern. Type of lantern used to signal trains.
Shaw, Brian. Former British secret agent who appears to be remarkably like Ian Fleming's James Bond. After twenty-five years of retirement, is pressed back into service for MI6. Sixty-six years old, he is described as having black, carefully brushed hair, receding and sprinkled with gray. His face is handsome, and the ruthless look has softened. Smokes specially ordered cigarettes. Wears reading glasses. Practices judo. Was married for a brief time, but his wife was killed. After retirement, he lived for a time in the West Indies but now owns a small working farm on the Isle of Wight. Has killed more than twenty men but has not fired a handgun in more than twenty years. When Pitt saves him from a certain death at the hands of Gly, he recites Shaw's statistics from his file: sixty-six years old, weight one hundred seventy pounds, height six feet one inch, right-handed, numerous scars. Twice seduces Milligan in an attempt to gain information about the North American Treaty. Is it possible Shaw might really be Bond?
Shields, Harvey. The person responsible for transporting the copy of the North American Treaty aboard the Empress of Ireland. A representative of Her Majesty's government. In the photograph Milligan secures, he is said to have his head tilted back in a belly laugh, displaying two large, protruding upper teeth surrounded by a sea of gold inlays.
Simms, Brigadier General Morris V. Head of the British Secret Intelligence Service. Described as having peacock-blue eyes. Recruits Shaw back into service.
Sky Hook. A special heavy-lift helicopter used on the Manhattan Limited project. One hundred five feet long, the aircraft looks like a praying mantis.
SMERSH. Russian Spy Agency mentioned by Mrs. Huston to Shaw at the funeral of the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service.
Soult, Nanci. Best-selling Canadian novelist who now resides in Ireland to beat taxes. Occasionally visits family and friends in Vancouver but has not been in Quebec in more than twenty years. Without her knowledge, she has a town house in her name in Quebec. The town house is the site of secret liaisons between Danielle Sarveux and Villon.
Standish. Ticket agent for the New York & Quebec Railroad at the German town station. Plays chess with Harding over telegraph lines.
Storstad. Norwegian collier that rammed and sank the Empress of Ireland. A six-thousand-ton vessel, the Storstad was loaded with eleven thousand tons of coal.
Stuckey, Perdval. The chief director of the James Bay Project.
Trisynol. An explosive used underwater that is three times as powerful as TNT. Twenty-four hundred pounds stored in two-hundred-pound containers are stashed aboard the forecastle of the wreck of the Empress of Ireland by Gly and an accomplice. What no one but Gly knows is that he stored a radio detonator aboard one of the containers.
Ungava Bay. Location of the massive Canadian oil field discovered by the Doodlebug.
United States of Canada. New country proposed by the president of the United States with the consent of Charles Sarveux, president of Canada.
Upper Deck D Cabin Forty-six. Location aboard the Empress of Ireland for Shields's cabin.
Val Jalbert. Location of the Canadian Army arsenal where the Argo missiles are stolen.
Villon's wife. Described as a pretty woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Villon, Henri. A respected member of the Canadian Parliament who is in the Liberal Party. Minister of internal affairs. Villon is also secretly the head of the FQS. An old family friend of the Sarveuxs, he is also Danielle Sarveux's secret lover. Described as having the body of a muscle man, he keeps his entire body clean-shaven. Wears a wig. Has a chiseled face with a Roman nose and indifferent gray eyes. Married, he has a daughter. Villon orders the five-minute blackout of the James Bay Project. Intends to run for president of the independent country of Quebec. Instead, he is shot and then buried alive in his automobile by Gly, who intends to impersonate Villon and run for president himself.
Wacketshire. A small farming community along the tracks of the New York & Quebec railroad and location of the railroad station of the New York & Quebec railroad. Wacketshire Station is where the Manhattan Limited disappears.
Watergate. Famous Washington, D.C. apartment hotel complex where Sandecker has an apartment. Also site of the Watergate break in that brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon.
Weeks, Lieutenant Commander Ray. Canadian officer in command of the Hurom Described as a jolly-looking man with laughing gray-blue eyes and a warm face. He has a pleasant, ringing voice that comes out of a short body with a noticeable paunch.
Westier, Jack. Pilot of the Scarletti 400 Pitt hires to fly over the railroad tracks near the Deauville-Hudson Bridge. Described as having a boyish face, with freckles and red hair and a boyish grin.
Willaps, Corporal Richard. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance corporal. Direct descendant of Chinook Indians in the Pacific Northwest. Killed by fire from the British Royal Marine Bentley.
Yubari, Captain Toshio. Captain of the Japanese container ship Honjo Maru. described as a solid, weatherworn man in the prime of his early forties.
Deep Six
Aiken, John. Secret Service agent on the Eagle detail.
Air Force Weather Recon 040. Call sign for the plane flown by Grant. We caught Clive on this one. Grant is a United States Navy pilot who was flying a Navy plane.
Alhambra Iron and Boiler Company. The Charleston, South Carolina, company that manufactured the boilers on the Pilottown. Located on Spruill Avenue near the naval base. The building housing the company was built in 1861. The company quit building boilers in 1951 and now produces metal lawn furniture. Clive is having some fun here. Alhambra is the town in Southern California where he lived as a child. You will see Alhambra as the name of ships, on boilers and other oddities in several of the Dirk Pitt books.
Amic Marie. The vessel the Catawaba rushes to rescue. A crab boat one hundred ten feet in length with a steel hull probably built in New Orleans. The Amie Marie's owner and captain is Carl Keating, and the vessel's home port is Kodiak.
Amytal. Drug that Lugovoy orders injected in the president's carotid artery. Amytal puts the left and right hemispheres of the brain in a drowsy state.
Anacostia River. The river in Washington, D.C. that empties into the Potomac. The route taken by Eagle on the way to Mount Vernon.
Antonov, President Georgi. President of Russia. Is on a state visit to Paris when the president of the United States disappears. Age sixty-two.
Augustine Volcano. Named by Captain Cook in 1778, she's the most active volcano in Alaska, erupting six times in the last century. Her last eruption was in 1987 and surpassed the power of the Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington State. The volcano erupts when Pitt and crew are aboard the Pilottown.
Bag Man. Nickname of the field grade officer who is always near the president. The Bag Man is in charge of the briefcase containing the codes for nuclear launch.
Belcheron, Melvin. Sixty-two years old, Belcheron has been captain of the Stonewall Jackson for the last thirty years. Described as a wiry-built little man with a big white-bearded head. Chews tobacco.
Belkaya, Oskar. A Soviet painter who was taken from his home and reprogrannned by the KGB in a sanatorium near Kiev, Russia. His RNA is implanted into the brain of the president.
Belle Chase. A Korean registered vessel owned by the Sosan Trading Company. Belle Chase is actually the San Marino. Allegedly scrapped in Pusan, Korea, two years after being spotted by Dewhurst in Singapore.
Blackowl, George. Secret Service advance agent and acting supervisor. Described as a dark-skinned man with stony facial features. One-half Sioux Indian. Chews gum constantly.
Blair, Megan. Secretary to the president of the United States. Described as a handsome, perky woman in her early forties. Wears her black hair cropped short and is ten pounds on the skinny side. Has a small-town friendliness. Unmarried.
Boiler 38874. Boiler found aboard the Pilouown. Pitt traces it back to the manufacturer and finds it was installed in the San Marino.
Borchavsld, Admiral. Russian navy officer tasked with recovering the gold from the sunken Venice.
Boss. Code name the Secret Service uses for the president of the United States.
Bougainville Maritime Lines Incorporated. Korean shipping dynasty located on the one-hundredth floor of the World Trade Center in New York City. The offices cover the entire floor and are decorated in expensive furnishings and Oriental antiques. Their legitimate ships fly the flag of the Somalia Republic.
Bougainville, Min Koryo. Chairman of Bougainville Maritime. Described as eighty-nine years old and weighing the same. Her gray hair is worn pulled back from her head in a burl Her face is strangely unlined, yet her body looks ancient and frail. She has intense blue eyes. When she was age twelve, her father sold her to a Frenchman who operated a small stuppmg line between Pusan, Korea, and Hong Kong. Bore Rene three sons who were drafted into the Japanese Army. All three later died. Grandmother to Lee Tong. Built Bougainville shipping into huge shipping conglomerate Bougainville, Rene. Frenchman who bought Min Koryo. Father to their three sons. Killed in bombing raid in World War II. Grandfather to Lee Tong.
Brock, Lyle. Secret Service agent who was guarding the Eagle. His corpse is later found by Pitt inside the cargo hold of the, sunken Eagle.
Brogan, Martin. Head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Described as urbane and intellectual. An ex college professor. Tall.
Buras. Bougainville towboat. Powered by four engines generating 12,000 horsepower, the towboat has four forward rudders and six backing rudders. The vessel's top speed is sixteen miles an hour.
Casflighio, Arta. Employed as a teller at the Beverly-Wilshire Bank in California. Daughter of Sal Casio. Robs the bank she works at and, after changing identity to Estelle Wallace, flies to San Francisco aboard the San Marino. Later drugged and dropped overboard from the San Marino under the orders of Lee Tong.
Casio, Sal. Private detective. Father of Arta Casilighio. Described as having hard, stark eyes still clear and undimmed after sixty years. Wide and stocky. Favors a .45-caliber automatic he wears in a leather holster on his left shoulder. Is killed by a laser beam slicing open his stomach when he goes with Pitt to Min Koryo Bougainville's office to avenge his daughter's death.
Catawaba. U.S. Coast Guard cutter. Pitt first saw the Catawaba in the North Atlantic when he landed a helicopter on her deck. Now assigned to Alaska.
Chin Shin Huang Ti. Early Chinese emperor. Lugovoy recognizes the life-size terra-cotta warriors in the Bougainville. Maritime offices as Chin Shih Ti's tomb guardians.
Chalmette. The Bougainville-owned containership that rescues select survivors from the Leonid Andreyev.
Chao, Kim. First officer of the Venice.
CIA Phantom Navy. Fleet of ships owned by the CIA for covert operations.
Clarke, Colonel Ward. U.S. Marine colonel and Vietnam Medal of Honor winner leading troops who bar the congressmen from Lisner Auditorium.
Coffins, Commandant. Head of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Colt Thompson submachine gun. Pitt's personal weapon. Serial number 8545. Uses circular drums loaded with .45-caliber ammunition. Pitt uses the weapon to shoot up the Buras.
Colt Woodsman. Brand of pistol Suvorov uses in the laboratory. His is a .22-caliber automatic with a four-inch noise suppressor.
Conium maculatum. Technical name for hemlock, the poison given to Socrates. Found in high concentrations in the bodies retrieved from the Eagle.
Cowan, Bonnie. An attorney in Washington, D.C. who dates Sandecker. Described as not yet thirty-five years of age and unusually attractive and petite. Her hair is long and silken and falls beyond her shoulders. Her breasts are small but nicely proportioned, as are her legs.
Critical Operations Force. U.S. Marine special operations force the mind-controlled president orders into Washington, D.C. Crown. Code name for the Secret Service command post inside the White House.
Cumberland. Famous Union Civil War vessel. Battled the Merrimac. For a more detailed description of the battle, read The Sea Hunters by Clive Cussler and this author.
Cutty Sark. Code name for Ed McGrath.
Delta OR Limited. Name of FBI front company painted on helicopter Pitt and Giordino fly aboard to seek the floating laboratory.
Department of the Interior. U.S. government organization. Pitt has a friend who works for the department and receives a satellite photograph from the friend that helps him set the search grid to locate the wreck of the Eagle.
Devil’s Fork. The bar on Rhode Island Avenue in Washington, D.C. that Pitt and Giordino retire to after Pitt's Talbot-Lago explodes.
Dewhurst, Rodney. Lloyd's of London marine insurance underwriter for the Lloyd's office in Singapore. Suspects that the Belle Chase is San Marino.
Dodds, Lieutenant Homer. Leader of the U.S. Navy SEALs that approach the Buras in a transport helicopter.
Dodge Island. Location of the docking terminal for the Port of Miami.
Dover, Lieutenant Commander Amos. Commander of the Catawaba. Described as a great bear of a man, tough and wind-worn. Is ambling in physical movement but possesses a calculator like mind that never fails to awe his crew.
Eagle. U.S. Presidential yacht. Built in 1919 for a wealthy Philadelphia businessman, the Eagle was purchased by the Department of Commerce in 1921 for presidential use. Designed with the old straight-up and-down bow, the mahogany-trimmed yacht displaces one hundred tons and measures one hundred ten feet in length with a beam of twenty feet. Her draft is five feet, and her top speed is fourteen knots. The vessel has five staterooms, four heads and a glass-enclosed salon for entertaining. Crewed by thirteen Coast Guardsmen, the crew cabins and galley are forward near the bow.
Edgely, Dr. Raymond. Director of Fathom, the CIA special study into mind control that is operated at Raton University in Colorado. A professor, Edgely is described as having an old-fashioned crew cut and wearing a bow tie. He is slender and has a barbed wire beard and bristly dark eyebrows.
Emmet, Saul. Director of the FBI. Described as gruff-spoken.
F-120 Fighter. Navy jet that Sutton is flown to Washington, D.C. aboard so he can impersonate the president.
F/A 2L U.S. Navy strike aircraft. Drops two laser guided antimissiles that destroy the Pathfinder.
Fawcett, Daniel. Chief of staff to the president of the United States.
Federal Reserve Bank. U.S. central bank. Supplies currency to the member banks. Federal Reserve wrappers are around the bills. Casilighio examines one of the wrappers just before being killed.
Fifth Marine Regiment. Fawcett served with this group in Korea.
Finkel, Bob. Reporter with the Baltimore Sun. Claims in jest that Thompson graduated from the Joseph Goebbels School of Propaganda.
Florida Cross State Canal. A canal for ship traffic that runs from Jacksonville, Florida, on the Atlantic Ocean to Crystal River in the Gulf of Mexico.
Foggem U.S. Navy fog generators mounted on destroyers during World War II to create smoke-screens. Used to shield the movements of the kidnappers who attacked Eagle.
Fort Jackson. Civil War fort in Plaquemines Parish.
Fort St. Phillip. Civil War fort in Plaquemines Parish.
French Transatlantic Steamship Company. Owners of the No y, the famous French passenger liner that burned and sank in New York Harbor. Perlnutter used china from the ship to serve Pitt and Smith breakfast Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar. Leader of Libya. Mentioned by Metcalf in conjunction with the disappearance of the president.
Georgia Shipbuilding Corporation. Savannah, Georgia, shipyard where Boiler 38874 was shipped. Boiler was installed in the San Marino.
Glover Culpepper Gas & Groceries. The abandoned business whose sign Suvorov notices soon after leaving the laboratory in the Cadillac. The clue that helps him return to the general area when he is in the helicopter.
Goodman & FBI agent who works in communications. Goodman links Griffin to Emmett, who is in Washington, D.C. Goose Lake. A private fishing reserve a few miles below the Quantico Marine Corps Reservation. Moran and Larimer are allegedly fishing at the take when they are in fact on the Leonid Andreyev. Lindemann discovers this and alerts Smith before the telephone line is disconnected.
Grand Island. Island off Louisiana not far from where the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.
Grant, Ullysses S. U.S. Navy pilot named after the eighteenth president of the United States. His father was a famous third-baseman. Pilots a Navy four-engined reconnaissance plane that is the first airplane to arrive over the Buras. Described as a boyish-faced young man in his middle twenties.
Greenberg, Dr. Harry. A pipe-smoking, respected psychiatric researcher who consults with Edgely. Greenberg gathers the data from the president's brain waves so he can fool Lugovoy.
Greenwald, Ben. Director of the Secret Service. Immediately after being notified of the abduction of the president, he's on his way to the observatory for a crisis meeting when his automobile is struck by a street sweeper. Greenwald is killed.
Griffin, Clyde. FBI special agent in charge of the Louisiana field office.
Gromyko, Foreign Minister. Russian foreign minister whom Margolin has met with to discuss aid.
Gruber, Charlie. Identity Pitt assumes to board the Leonid Andreyev undetected. Claims to be married to Zelda and from Sioux Falls, Iowa.
Gruber, Zelda. Wife of the fictitious Charlie Gruber. Zelda is actually Giordino dressed in drag. Charlie claims Zelda turns on to Greeks.
Guantmmo Bay, Cuba. U.S. Marine base inside Cuba.
Gwynne, Dr. Hamld. The personal physician for the president of the United States. Described as a cherubic little man with a balding head and friendly blue eyes.
Hero of the Soviet Union. Award similar to the Congressional Medal of Freedom. Lugovoy daydreams that he will be awarded the medal.
Hippocampus. The sea horse-shaped ridge running under the horns of the lateral ventricles, a vital section of the brain's limbic system.
Hobson. Part of the CIA's phantom fleet, the vessel is a common cargo carrier extensively modified. The vessel disappeared with all hands off the Pacific coast of Mexico. The vessel later turns up in Sydney, Australia. Her name changed to Buras, the vessel is registered to a Philippines company called Samar Exporters.
Hogan, Slats. FBI agent and helicopter pilot who operates the Delta Oil helicopter. Described as a thin, blond, dreamy-eyed woman who speaks in a slow, deep drawl.
Hoki Jamoka. Described as a tired old Chesapeake Bay clamming boat. The hull is worn from hard use, and most of her paint is gone. Powered by a diesel engine. Pitt uses the boat to locate the wreck of the Eagle.
Hong, Mr. Japanese chemist tasked with checking the Russian gold aboard the Venice for purity. Described as a small, moon-faced man with thick-lensed spectacles.
Huckleberry Finn. Code name used by Antonov in referring to the Bougainville/Russian project to alter the president's thoughts.
Hudson Street. Location of building where, on the tenth floor, Casio monitors the conversations of Tong and Bougainville.
Iranov, Sergei. Deputy director of the KGB.
Isotta-Fraschini. One of the cars in Pitt's aircraft hangar/home. The automobile is a 1925 model with a torpedo body by Cesare Sala. The vehicle has a disappearing top and a coiled cobra on the radiator cap.
James River. River in Virginia that empties near Newport News. Location where Pitt and Giordino are leading a NUMA expedition to find the ram off the famous Civil War ironclad, Merrimac.
Jones, John Paul. American Revolutionary War captain of the Bonhomme Richard- Famous for: "I've not yet begun to fight." What Cowan calls Sandecker.
Kazinkin, Eric. Chief engineer on the Leonid Andreyev.
Keating, Carl. Owner and captain of the Amie Marie.
Kiev, Russia. City the president dreams about after the microchip is implanted in his brain.
Kloein Hydroscan Sonar. The brand of sonar Pitt operates off the Catawaba.
Klosner, Jack. The regular Coast Guard steward aboard the Eagle. Not working the night of the presidential abduction.
Kobylin, Basil. Head of KGB undercover operations in New York City.
Kolodono, Peter. Russian purser on the Leonid Andreyev.
L'Estrange, President. President of France.
Larimer, Marcus. U.S. Senator. Described as big and rough-cut, he habitually wears brown suits. His hair is sandy-colored and styled dry. Is invited by the president for an overnight trip on the Eagle. Opposes the president's Eastern Europe aid program. Kidnapped from the Eagle along with the president and others then rescued from the laboratory by Suvorov. Later: he dies from a failed heart off Cuba.
Laroche, Leroy. Commander of the 6th Louisiana Regiment. Operates a travel agency. Husband and father. Described as an enormous man with the stout build of an Oliver Hardy. Wears the uniform of a Confederate major.
Lawrence, Lieutenant Marty. Coast Guard Lieutenant and one of the boarding party sent from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie. Dies from exposure to the nerve agent.
Le Mat revolver. Handgun loaned to Pitt by Laroche. Shoots 9.42-caliber shells through a rifled barrel and a smoothbore barrel that fires a load of buckshot. Laroche's grandfather used it from Bull Run to Appomattox in the Civil War.
Leonid Andreyev. Russian cruise ship whose passengers are non-Russians. Part of the Soviet-subsidized passenger line whose purpose is to generate hard Western currency for the Soviet Union. A fourteen thousand-ton vessel, the Leonid Andreyev was built in Finland. It has a capacity of four hundred seventy eight passengers and three hundred-plus crew. The vessel features indoor and outdoor pools, five cocktail bars, two nightclubs, ten shops featuring Russian merchandise and liquor, a movie and stage theater, and a well-stocked library. There are more than three hundred staterooms and eleven decks, and the overall length is more than five hundred feet. Home port is Sevastopol in the Black Sea. A twin-screw vessel, she is powered by 27,000-horsepower turbine engines.
Liftonic Elevator QW-607. Brand of elevator that leads to the Bougainville offices. Pitt pushes Min Koryo Bougainville in her wheelchair down the empty shaft.
Lindemann, Sally. Loren Smith's secretary.
Lisner Auditorium. Located at George Washington University, it is the site where the members of Congress decide to meet to proceed with impeachment proceedings against the president.
Love Boat. Secret Service code name for Eagle.
Lucas, Carolyn. Wife of Oscar Lucas. Has a cascade of blond hair.
Lucas, Oscar. U.S. Secret Service special agent in charge of the Presidential Protection Division. Described as lanky, over six feet tall. His head is bald except for a few graying strands around the temples. Has bushy eyebrows that hover over oak brown eyes. Lucas is in his early forties, is married to Carolyn, and has two daughters. Was a rookie agent in Denver. After Greenwald is killed in an automobile accident, Oates promotes Lucas to director of the Secret Service.
Lugovoy, Aleksei. Soviet representative to the World Health Organization. A respected psychologist, he is admired for his work in mental health among developing countries.
M-20 automatic rifles. Type of weapon carried by U.S. soldiers that are ordered by the mind-controlled president to shut down the American government.
Mangyai, James. Captain of the Venice. Has worked for Bougainville Maritime for over twenty years.
Margolin, Beth. Wife of Vince Margolin.
Margolin, Vincent (Vince). Vice president of the United States. Married, his wife's name is Beth. Described as tall, nicely proportioned, not a bit of fat, with a handsome face and bright eyes and warm outgoing personality. .Was first a state senator then governor and senator before becoming vice president.
Marmot Island. Island in Alaska where the car ferry with three hundred twelve aboard runs aground.
Marsh, Ray. Reporter with the New York Times. Questions Moran after he makes his way back to Washington, D.C.and attempts to assume the presidency.
Masters, Captain Irwin. Captain of the San Marino. Described as a tall man with graying hair and merry blue eyes.
Mathias Point. On the Potomac River, where Pitt locates the wreck of the Eagle.
Mauritania, Atar. Location where the president, while under Soviet mind control, claims he was while he was gone. Mauritania is a country that borders Morocco in Western Africa.
Mauser. Handgun Casio finds taped behind a half-gallon bottle of gin in Pitt's refrigerator. The Mauser is a .32 caliber whose serial number is 922374.
Mayo, Curtis. Television newscaster with the CNB network.
McGeen. The chief engineer on the Stonewall Jackson. Described as a crusty old Scot.
McGrath, Ed. Secret Service agent on the Eagle detail. McGrath has fifteen years' experience. Discovers the president, guests and crew are missing from the Eagle.
Medoza, Julie. Chairman of the Regional Emergency Response Team for the Environmental Protection Agency. Described as in her mid-forties with a suave and slim body. Medoza is about five feet seven, her hair is the color of aspen gold and her skin is a copper tan. She dies after being exposed to Nerve Agent S aboard the Pilottown.
Merchant Marine Transport Committee. U.S. government committee chaired by Loren Smith. The committee is involved in efforts to support the idea of an American-flagged cruise ship.
Metcalf, General Clayton. U.S. Army general and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Smokes a pipe.
Mexican Zapata Brigade. Mexican terrorist organization mentioned by Miller in discussions with Emmett.
Microminiaturized implant. The microchip that is implanted in the cerebral cortex of the president's brain.
Miller, Don. Deputy director of the FBI.
Mitchell, Norm. Cameraman who works with Mayo. Described as a loose, ambling scarecrow character.
Montrose, Rocky. Sound man who works with Mayo. Described as beefy.
Moran, Alan. Ferret-faced speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Invited by the president to go for an overrught tnp aboard the Eagle Moran opposes the president's proposed Eastern Europe aid program. He is kidnapped along with the president from the yacht. Rescued from the laboratory by Suvorov. Escapes from the Leonid Andreyev and weasels his way aboard a rescue helicopter. Quickly makes his way to Washington, D.C.demands to be sworn in as president. Described as a closet atheist who has never married and has no close friends. He lives frugally, like a penitent monk in a small, rented apartment. Is foiled in his plan to become president when Margolin is rescued by Pitt and reappears.
Motorola HT-220 radio receiver. Small receiver used by the Secret Service agents to communicate with one another.
Mount Fuji. Famous Japanese mountain. The profile of the Augustine Volcano is very similar.
Mount Vernon. Former home to George Washington. Location where the presidential yacht Eagle is moored when the abductions occur.
Murphy, Ensign Pat. Coast Guard ensign and one of the boarding party sent from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie. Dies from exposure to the nerve agent.
Nashville Bridge Company. Name of the Nashville, Tennessee, company that manufactured the dry cargo barge that houses the Bougainville laboratory. Yaeger finds the information from his computers.
Nerve Agent S. A chemical warfare agent developed by scientists working for the United States government at Rocky Mountain Arsenal just north of Denver, Colorado. Nerve Agent S can kill within a few seconds of touching the skin. It clings to everything it touches. Nerve Agent S proved too unstable and was ordered destroyed. The United States Army decided to bury it in the Nevada desert, but while en route a boxcar containing nearly one thousand gallons vanished. A person who comes in contact with Nerve Agent S literally drowns in his or her own blood as internal membranes burst. Every body orifice bleeds like a river, then the corpse turns black.
Nerve Agent S drums. One-ton standard shipping containers. Department of Transportation approved. They measure eighty-one and a half inches in length by thirty and a half inches in diameter with concave ends. They are silver-colored. There are twenty drums of Nerve Agent S aboard the Pilottown.
Oakes, Charlie. President of Alhambra Iron and Boiler Company. Described as a rotund, smiling, unedged little man.
O'Brien, Nelson. Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Slated to swear in Moran. Begins the ceremony but stops when Margolin appears.
Observatory. The name of the residence occupied by the vice president of the United States while in office.
Oerlikon Machine Gun. Brand of twenty-millimeter machine gun mounted on Bougainville barge that fires on the Delta Oil helicopter and shoots it down.
Ombrikov, Geidar. Chief of the KGB residency in Havana, Cuba. Described as having a squat body and the skin tone of an old wallet. Boards the Leonid Andreyev from the Pilar to remove Larimer and Moran but finds they have disappeared.
One Army Special Counter Terrorist Detachment. Special U.S. Army soldiers stationed at Fort Belvoir. The mind-controlled president orders them into Washington, D.C. Pathfinder. Bougainvffle-owned ship disguised as a oceanographic research vessel. Formerly a Norwegian merchantman, the ship was bought by Bougainville Maritime seven years ago and refitted to fool customs inspectors.
PBY Catalina Flying Boat. Older propeller-driven plane designed to take off and land on water. Owned by NUMA, the plane has an aluminum hull covered in aquamarine paint.
Persimmon Point. Location on the Potomac River near where Pitt locates the wreck of the Eagle.
Perth, Dr. Grace. Professor of anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Pitt calls Perth on the telephone to inquire about physical differences in Asian males.
Petrel. Type of sea bird that soars over the San Marino. Petrels usually have a small body and long wings and can be found far out to sea.
Pilar. Described as a small mahogany powerboat with a straight-up-and-down bow. Formerly owned by author Ernest Hemingway but now belongs to Fidel Castro.
Pilottown. First named the Bart Pulver, later the Rosthena. Built by Astoria Iron & Steel Company in Portland, Oregon, and launched in November 1942. Hull number 793. After World War II, the vessel was sold to Kassandra Phosphate Company Limited of Athens, Greece. Greek registry. Ran aground off Jamaica, June 1954. Refloated. Sold to Sosan Trading Company, Inchon, Korea. Vessel the San Marino became. The legend of the Pilottown was that after tramping back and forth between Tokyo and the West Coast of the United States, she was reported sinking about ten years ago. The vessel then became a drifting derelict and was trapped in an ice floe above Nome, Alaska. She continued to drift, crewless. Nicknamed the "Magic Ship."
Pokofsky, Yakov. Russian captain of the Leonid Andreyev. Described as a charming man with thick silver hair and eyes as round and black as caviar. Smokes cigarettes. Joined the Russian navy at seventeen. After twenty years in the navy, transferred to the Soviet subsidized passenger service. Is rescued after the explosion aboard the Leonid Andreyev by Ombrikov but commits suicide by jumping in the water.
Polas, Carl. Secret Service agent who was guarding the Pier leading to the Eagle. Has a Bismarck mustache.
Polevof Viadandr. Director of the KGB.
Potter, Kenneth. Postmaster general whose son was sniping at U.S. troops occupying Washington, D.C. President of the United States. Described as carrying himself like a tall man but is only two inches taller than Sandecker. His hairline is recessed and graying, and his narrow face wears a perpetually solemn expression. Has a ranch in New Mexico thirty miles south of Raton. Usually wears a Timer watch with an Indian silver band inlaid with turquoise.
Princeton University. University in New Jersey. Lucas gives a speech there.
Pujon, Kim. Bougainville Mississippi River pilot who operates the towboat Buras. Pujon is killed when his head is blown off by shots fired from the Stonewall Jackson.
Purdey Shotgun. Over and under brand of shotgun used by Antonov when he is on bird hunt with L'Estrange.
Rhinemann, Hank. Secret Service supervisor in charge of vice presidential security.
River Watch. Code name of the Coast Guard cutter patrolling the Potomac River near where the Eagle is docked.
RNA. Acronym for ribonucleic acid. The RNA of a Soviet dissident named Oskar Belkaya is injected into the hippocampus of the president.
Roll-Royce Silver Ghost. One of the cars in Pitt's aircraft hangar/home. The automobile is a 1921 model with a Park-Ward body.
Russell Building. Washington, D.C.building where the vice president has an office.
Samantha. Sister ship to the Eagle. The last registered owner of the Samantha was a stockbroker in Baltimore. He sold it to someone who went by the name of Dunn. Under the cover of fog, the Samantha was switched for the Eagle.
Samar Exporters. Philippine front company for Bougainvihe Maritime. Registered as owners of the Buras, formerly the CIA vessel Hobson.
San Marino. Cargo vessel Casilighio escapes aboard. At the time of her journey under the identity of Estelle Wallace, the San Marino is bound for Auckland, New Zealand. Built during 1943 at Georgia Shipbuilding Company to standard Liberty design. Hull number 2356. The San Marino carried military supplies across the Atlantic to England. Struck once by torpedo fired from German U-Boat U-573 but made it to port in Liverpool under her own power. After World War II, she was sold to Bristol Steamship Company, Bristol, England, then sold in 1956 to the Manx Steamship Company of New York. Registered in Panama. The San Marino features a three-deck-high midships superstructure. Measuring four hundred forty-one feet in length, the vessel has a raked stem and cruiser stern. Just before leaving port with Wallace, ten crew members mysteriously disappear. They are replaced by Tong and nine other Koreans who hijack ships. Later, the San Marino was converted into the ore carrier Belle Chase.
San Salvador. City in El Salvador where Charlie and Zelda Gruber board the Leonid Andreyev.
Satellite Survey Number 2430A. Chart or marine map that shows the south shore of Augustine Island. It is on this grid that Pitt locates the wreck of the Pilottown.
SDECE. Initials for French Internal Security Agency.
Secretariat building of the United Nations. One of the buildings at the United Nations. Location of the office of the Soviet representative to the World Health Organization.
Semper paratus. Latin for: "Always ready." Semper paratus is the motto of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Shakespeare. Secret Service code name for Margolin.
Shaw, Hampshire and Farquar. The Chicago stock brokerage firm that is a front for Moran's bribery and payoffs. The name of the company is bogus. The names came from tombstones in Fargo, North Dakota.
Simmons, Jesse. U.S. secretary of defense. Described as a taciturn man. Has a leathery face from his hobby of water skiing.
Sixth Louisiana Regiment. Civil War reenactors who board the Stonewall Jackson and attack the Buras. In the attack, eighteen are wounded, two seriously.
Smith-Wesson Model 19. Handgun with a two-and-a-half-inch barrel and .357 caliber favored by Lucas. Standard U.S. Secret Service issue.
Sosan Trading Company. Shipping company based in Inchon, Korea. Owned by the Bougainvilles. Company that owned the Pilottown.
Spatial Analyzer Probe. Also known as SAP. The machine takes a series of high-speed X-rays that reveal the precise moving pictures of every millimeter of tissue and bones.
Springfield Rifles. Weapon used by the 6th Louisiana Regiment. Fifty-eight-caliber, the rifle shoots a Minie ball five hundred yards.
SS-30 Multiple Warhead Missiles. Soviet nuclear missiles arranged along the northeast coast of Siberia and targeted at the United States. When Brogan mentions that the Russians have the missiles, the president, under Soviet mind control, claims they will be dismantled under the disarmament plan he was reached with the Russians.
Stark, Joe. Reporter from the United Press. Questions Moran after he returns from being held captive.
Steyr-Mannlichef AUG assault carbines. Brand of .223-caliber automatic weapons the Koreans aboard the Buras use to attack the Navy SEALs helicopter.
Stonewall Jackson. Paddle-wheel steamship built in 1915 at Columbus, Ohio. Her hull measures two hundred seventy feet by forty-four. Powered by two horizontal non condensing engines. Has four high-pressure boilers. Rated at slightly more than one thousand tons, she draws just over twenty-two inches. Has twin smokestacks. The Confederate flag flies from her mast. Her top speed is rated at fifteen miles an hour, but she can do twenty.
Strategic Rocket Forces. The Russian military divmon tasked with launching a nuclear strike on the United States.
Sumpter Airborne Ambulance. The ambulance service that owns the helicopter Suvorov, Larimer and Moran board and fly to Savannah, Georgia.
Sutton, Jack. An actor who looks exactly like the missing president.
Sovorov, Viktor. Father of Yuri (Paul) Suvorov. Russian agriculture specialist.
Suvorov, Yuri (Paul). Member of the KGB. Describbed as a stocky man with Slavic features and shaggy black hair. Travels along with Lugovoy to the Bougainvilles', secret laboratory. Escapes the laboratory with Moran and Larimer.
Suzaka Chemical Company Limited. Name stenciled on the boxes containing the gold aboard the Venice.
Sylvia. Sandecker's secretary.
Talbot-Lago. Beautiful 1948 Saoutchik-bodied automobile. Pitt's is valued at more than two hundred thousand dollars. Smith drives the automobile to the airport to pick up Pitt.
Thayer, Lieutenant Commander Isaac. Known as Doc Thayer, he's the most popular man aboard the Catawaba. Pilots a second Zodiac to the Amie Marie when Lawrence and Murphy report everyone aboard dead. Dies from exposure to the nerve agent after reporting the symptoms as they occur.
Thompson, Jacob (Sonny). White House press secretary. Described as having bright white teeth capped with precision, long sleek black hair, tinted gray at the temples, and dark eyes with the tightened look of cosmetic surgery. Thompson has no second chin and no visible sign of a potbelly. He's a classy, breezy guy.
Thornburg, Colonel Thomas. U.S. Army colonel whose title is director of comparative forensics and clinical pathology. Thornburg performs the autopsies on the bodies retrieved from the Eagle.
Titanium ingots. Cargo of the San Marino prior to her disappearance. The value of the cargo of ingots is eight million dollars. Titanium is a silver-gray metallic mineral that is light and strong. More expensive than most metals, it is used in applications where weight is a concern, such as space stations, advanced aircraft, etc.
Tong, Lee (BougWnviBe). Gap-toothed mess boy on the San Marino, he masterminds the murders of the passenger and crew and theft of the vessel. Grandson of wan Koryo Bougainville. Graduate of Wharton School of Business with a master's degree. Described as having a round, brown face Split in a perpetual grin. Smokes cigarettes through a long silver holder.Kidnapped the president along with a team of seven men whom he later murdered. Killed by Pitt aboard the Buras when he is shot in the throat with a load of buckshot fired from the Le Mat revolver.
Towberg, Marvin. Reporter with the Associated Press Radio Network.Questions Moran when he returns from being held captive.
Treasury building. U.S. Treasury Department building. Across the street from the White House. From the Treasury Building there is a secret tunnel to the White House.
United Emergency Response Team. U.S. Marine task force from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Two thousand marines on twenty-four-hour alert who are ferried aboard tilt-rotored assault transports.
United States, S.S. Famous passenger liner that was the fastest in her day. Laid up in drydock in Norfolk for the last twenty years. The Merchant Marine Transport Committee wants to refurbish the vessel and put her back in service.
Venice. Bougainville-owned ship 540 feet in length. It is loaded with Russian gold payment to Min Koryo Bougainville in the Black Sea port of Odessa. The vessel is bound for Genoa, Italy, where the gold Will be off-loaded for transport to Lucerne, Switzerland.The Venice is torpedoed and sunk by a Russian submarine near the Tzonston Bank in the Aegean Sea so the Russians can retrieve the gold.
Wallace, Estelle. False identity used by Arta Casilighio. Arta finds a passport with Wallace's name on it wedged in the seat of a cab.
Whitman, Jacob. Congressman from South Dakota whose son was sniping at the U.S. troops that were occupying Washington, D.C. 270
World Health Assembly. United Nations organization.
"Yellow Rose of Texas." Song being played on the steam calliope when the Stonewall Jackson attacks the Buras.
Zodiac. Brand of inflatable boat that the boarding party drives from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie.
Alice. The CIA nursemaid assigned to Pitt when he is at the CIA headquarters. Described as a tall, high-cheekboned woman with braided hair.
Alpha Two Clearance. Level of clearance the president gives to Hagen so he can investigate the Inner Core. Vice president of the United States has a Level Three clearance.
Amy Bigalow. Registered in Panama and allegedly owned by Cuban anti-Castro exiles, the vessel is, in fact, owned by the KGB. The anti-Castro front is designed to lay the blame for the explosion in Havana on the United States of America. The Amy Bigalow is a bulk carrier with a cargo of twenty-five thousand tons of ammonium nitrate.Has a sixty-foot-high stern. Piloted by Pitt with Manny in the engine room, the vessel is in the center when the Pisto tows the three ships out to sea.
Amy Bigalow's launch. After Pitt, Manny and the rest of the crew leave the Amy Bigalow running at full steam and take to the launch, they are swept up in the tidal wave caused by the explosion triggered by Velikov. The launch itself smashes into the second story of an apartment building used to house Soviet technicians. The four-cylinder diesel engine is tossed through a broken window and ends up in the stairwell.
Angelo. Chauffeur of the stretch Cadillac limousine that delivers the LeBarons to the Prosperteer's base.Described as a somber Cuban with the etched face of a postage stamp engraving.
Antonov, Georgi. President of the Soviet Union. Said to have a ruddy face.
Beagle, Dean. See Dean Porter.
Beretta her. Handgun Hagen disarms from fake gas station attendant.
Booth, Clyde. Member of the Inner Core. All-American football star at Arizona State. Owns a company called QB-Tech. QB stands for quarterback.
Borchev. Soviet officer who calls Velikov and explains that the security detail guarding the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Cola have been replaced. Velikov orders him to form a detachment and proceed to the wharves. In the fighting at the wharves, Clark grabs him and tosses him into the harbor.
Borscht paste. A food supplement given to Russian cosmonauts. The stomachs of the bodies found on the Prosperteer when it reappears are filled with the paste.
Brandeis University. University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Hagen calls there when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs.
Brogan, Martin. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Burkhart, Carl. Copilot of the Gettysburg. A twenty-year veteran of the space program.
Busche, Steve. Member of the Inner Core. Director of NASA's Flight Research Center in California.
Butterfly Catcher. Nickname for the Prosperteer ground crewman who holds a wind sock on a pole so the pilot can note the exact direction of the wind on takeoff.
Cabot, Sandra. Jessie LeBaron's personal secretary. Described as a prim woman who wears large-lensed glasses.
Caesar, Buck. Treasure hunter who owns Exotic Artifact Ventures Inc. Described as wearing a constant smile on a gentle middle-aged face that has the texture of cowhide. His gaze is shrewd, and his body has the firmness of a boxer. After being captured and taken to Cayo Santa Maria, he eludes his guards during an exercise period outside the compound. Using the trunk of a fallen palm tree as a raft, he attempts to swim to freedom. Instead, he is eaten by sharks, and the remains of his body wash up on the island three days later.
Cardenas Cuba. City in Cuba. When Raul Castro is on an inspection tour of an island defense system outside Havana, Raymond LeBaron and crew on the Prosperteer are detected. The blimp is ordered to land in Cardenas.
Cartier. Jeweler. Raymond LeBaron owns a gold Cartier watch with matching band. The Roman numerals on the face are marked by black diamonds, his birthstone.
Castrols hunting lodge. Located in the hills southeast of Havana. Set behind an electronically controlled gate that shields a road that curves two miles into the hills. The lodge itself is a large, Spanish-style villa that overlooks a panorama of dark hills dotted by distant lights. Where Hagen and Jessie LeBaron contact the Castro brothers.
Castro, Fidel. Leader of Cuba. Described as having a muscular body that once earned him the title of Cuba's best high school athlete. Now has softened and expanded with age. Gray curly hair and barbed-wire beard. His dark eyes still burn with a revolutionary fire he brought down from the Sierra Maestra Mountains. Smokes cigars.
Castro, Raul. Younger brother of Fidel Castro and second-in-command of Cuba. President of the Council of Ministers. Described as witty and congenial in private. His hair is black, slick and closely trimmed above the ears. Has a pixie face and dark, beady eyes. Has a narrow mustache on his upper lip; the pointed ends stop precisely above the corners of his mouth.
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Cathedral Square. Location in old Havana near where Sloppy Joe's is located. After the explosion, the clock on top of a building there is stopped at 6:21.
Cavilia, Joe. Copilot with Raymond LeBaron of the Prosperteer. Described as a sixty-year-old, sad-eyed, dour individual. His family immigrated from Brazil, and at age sixteen Cavflla joined the U.S. Navy, flying blimps until the last airship unit was formally disbanded in 1964. After being captured and taken to Cayo Santa Maria, he is tortured in Room Six by Gly, later goes into a coma and then dies.
Cayo Santa Maria. Island off Cuba near where the Cyclops sank. Island where Pitt runs the inflatable boat ashore during hurricane Little Eva after investigating the wreck of the Cyclops. The Russians ordered the native islanders off the island, then built a vast communications center. When Pitt and his group first stumble upon the outside of the structure, it is described as having a massive iron gate whose bars are welded in the slfape of dolphins. A wall topped by broken glass stretches into the darkness and stands astride a guardhouse that is deserted because of Little Eva. Following the road leading from the guardhouse, the group finds it ends in a circular drive in front of a castle like structure whose roof and three sides are covered with sandy soil planted with palmetto trees and native scrub, thus hiding the structure. The compound houses an electronically advanced and powerful facility capable of intercepting radio or telephone communications and then uses time-lag technology to allow a new-generation computerized synthesizer to imitate the callers' voices and alter the conversation.
Celestial Mechanics in True Perspective. Book by Horace DeLiso located in Mooney's office. Hagen finds Mooney's private notebook hidden inside the book.
Centennial Supply. A company that supplies specialized parts and electronics for recording systems. Hagen calls the company after examining Mooney's telephone logs.
Charlie. CIA analyst Brogan defers to after Pitt describes the compound on Cayo Santa Maria. Described as a studious-looking man.
Chekoldin, Admiral. Velikov orders Borchev to find Admiral Chekoldin and return the ships to be used in Operation Rum & Cola to port.
Chevrolet, 1957. Automobile owned by Figueroa and later stolen by Pitt. Has a 283-cubic-inch V-8 motor. The car has more than six hundred eighty thousand kilometers on the odometer.
Church, Lieutenant John. Described as a thin, prematurely gray-haired man a few months shy of thirty years of age. Has been in the Navy twelve years and worked his way up to commissioned officer. Dies in the cargo hold of the Cyclops.
Clark, Tom. Chief of the Special Interests Section. Described as an athletic thirty-five or so, with a tan face, Errol Flynn mustache, thinning red hair neatly combed forward to hide the spreading front, blue eyes and a nose that has been broken more than once. Cover is that he works for the State Department, but he actually works for the CIA. Organizes the armament of the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Cola. Later killed in the fighting between the Russian Marines under Borchev and his own troops. His body is fished out of the channel by a fishing boat and returned to the United States for burial.
Clinometer. Instrument used by Gunn aboard the Prosperteer to approximate the length of the object he detects with the Schonstedt Gradiometer.
Coker, Fireman First Class James. Formerly stationed on the cruiser Pittsburgh. Described as tall and rangy with heavily muscled arms. Sentenced in the murder of Stewart to death by hanging which was carried out in Brazil. Held along with DeVoe and four other prisoners in the Cyclops's brig when she sank.
Columbus. The U.S. space station. The experiments performed aboard the station include the manufacture of exotic medicines, the growth of pure crystals for computer semiconductor chips and gamma-ray observation.
Combat Magnum .357-caliber. Two-and-a-half-inch barreled handgun Hagen uses to threaten the fake gas station attendant into revealing the identity of Clyde Ward. The weapon is loaded with wad-cutter bullets.
Conde, Bob. Executive chairman of the board of Weehawken Marine Products.
Congressional Country Club. Country Club in Potomac, Maryland, where the president first hears about the Jersey Colony.
Cooper. One of the Jersey Colonists.
Cordero, Aficia. Cuban woman politician tapped by the Soviets to be the next leader of Cuba after they assassinate Fidel and Raul Castro. Currently secretary of the Central Committee and secretary of the Council of State. Said to be idolized by the people of Cuba for the success of her family economic programs and fiery oratory.
Cosmos 1400 killer satellites. Type of Soviet killer satellite that poses a threat to Columbus and Gettysburg'.
Crate. Loaded aboard the Cyclops in Rio de Janeiro, the wooden crate is described as measuring nine feet long by three feet high by four feet wide. When Church inquires about the contents, Gottschalk explains it contains archaeological artifacts.
Crogan Castle. Vessel that radios the Cyclops a distress call. She reports her prow stove in, her superstructure heavily damaged and that she is taking on water.
Cuban Special Security Forces. The Cuban equivalent to U.S. Navy SEALS. The attack on Cayo Santa Maria was done by Cuban exiles posing as Cuban Special Security Forces.
Cyclops. The vessel that sinks at the start of the novel. Built in Philadelphia by William Cramp & Sons and launched May 7, 1910, the Cyclops is assigned to the Naval Auxiliary Service, Atlantic Fleet. A Collier, she is five hundred forty-two feet in length with a sixty 278 five-foot beam. Draft is twenty-seven feet eight inches. Tonnage 19,360 displaced. Speed fifteen knots. Armament is four four-inch guns. Set out from Rio de Janeiro on February 16, 1918, bound for Baltimore, Maryland. On March 4, 1918, on the same voyage, she made an unscheduled stop at Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados. Her seven holds can carry 10,500 tons of coal. On her final voyage, the vessel has three hundred nine passengers and crew and is operating on only her port engine. Loaded with 11,000 pounds of manganese ore, s is ricing a good foot lower than her Plimsoll mark on her last voyage. When the Prosperteer crashes off Cuba, the Cyclops is found by Pitt.
Daimler. One of Pitt's cars. His example is a 1951 powered by a 5.4-liter straight-eight engine with Hooper coachwork. Described as a veritable monster, measuring nearly twenty-two feet from bumper to bumper and weighing more than three tons. The hood and doors are silver-gray and the fenders a metallic maroon. A convertible, its top is completely hidden from view when, folded down.
Dashers. Small water-propulsion vehicles made in France for seaside recreation. Has the look of two torpedoes attached side by side. Controlled by an automobile-type steering wheel. High-performance batteries power the craft through the means of water jets on smooth seas at speeds of up to twenty knots for three hours before recharging.
Dawson. One of the Jersey Colonists.
Deep diving suit. Old-style diving suit worn by salvors. They feature a brass diving helmet and Frankenstein-style weighted boots. The suits use surface-supplied air. Pitt finds a suit with a severed air hose and the body of a diver in the Cyclops. That makes him believe the statue of La Dorada has already been salvaged.
Denver. U.S. Navy attack submarine that rescues Pitt when he runs out of gas in the Bahama Channel in his cast-iron bathtub.
DeVoe, Fireman Second Class Barney. Formerly stationed on the cruiser Pittsburgh. Described as having the size and shape of a grizzly bear. Sentenced in the murder of Stewart to fifty to ninety-nine years in Portsmouth Naval Prison. Held along with Coker and four other prisoners in the Cyclops's brig when she sank.
Don. Name Soviet ground controller mistakenly calls Jurgens on first radio transmission.
Dupuy, O. See Irwin Mitchell.
Deen. Henry's secretary at the CIA. Thornburg calls Henry to explain Operation Rum & Cola.
El Dorado. Famous treasure Raymond LeBaron believed was aboard the Cyclops. Also known as El Hombre Dorado, which is Spanish for the golden man or gilded one. First heard of by the Spanish conquistadores, the legend tells of a gilded man who ruled an incredibly wealthy kingdom somewhere in the mountainous jungles east of the Andes. Rumors had him living in a secluded city built of gold with streets paved in emeralds and guarded by a fierce army of beautiful Amazons.
Emmett, Sam. Director of the FBI. Described as outspoken.
Entrada Channel. Channel leading out of Havana Harbor.
Evan, Dr. Gunnar. Member of the Inner Core. Allegedly died in the light-plane crash with Hudson. Described as a brilliant astrophysicist. His specialty was geolunar synoptic morphology for industrialized peoplement, or the idea of building a colony on the moon. Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Gunnar Monroe. Described as having a round, unlined face. Smokes a pipe.
Farmer, Jack. Alias Pitt uses when calling Weehawken Marine Products.
Fawcett, Daniel. Member of the Inner Core. Advisor to the president of the United States. Described as an intense-looking man with a square red face and a condor nose.
Fernandez, Juan. Chief of Fidel Castro's security.
Figueroa, Herberio. Cab driver who takes Pitt and Jessie LeBaron across Cuba. He is away from Havana to attend his brother-in-law's funeral in Nuevitas. After Pitt takes Velikov prisoner at a roadblock, Figueroa is ordered from his car, and Pitt takes over the wheel. When Pitt meets Fidel Castro, he receives permission to ship Figueroa a restored 1957 Chevrolet to replace the one he ruined in the chase.
First Chief Directorate. The foreign operations arm of the KGB.
Fisher, General Clark. Member of the Inner Core. Head of the Joint Military Space Command and commanding officer at the Unified Space Operations Center. A four-star general. Described as tall, athletically built and quite handsome in a Gregory Peck way.
Foley, Merv. Flight director at the Houston Space Control Center.
Forbes, Lieutenant David. Executive officer of the Cyclops. The photograph Hope displays for Pitt shows a man with the face of a greyhound, long, narrow nose, pale eyes whose color cannot be determined from the photograph. His face is clean-shaven, and he has arched eyebrows and slightly protruding teeth. Confined to quarters by Worley on the last voyage of the Cyclops.
Fremont, Dr. Donald. A professor at Stanford, now retired. Formerly taught at the University of Southern California. Mooney was a student of Fremont. Hagen calls him when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs.
French Bay. Location of the CIA staging area for the attack on Cayo Santa Maria. A remote beach on the southern tip of San Salvador.
Fulton, Commander Kermit. Commandiny officer of the U.S. Navy attack submarine Denver.
Gallager. One of the Jersey Colonists.
Gettysburg. A U.S. space shuttle that is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Gly, Foss. Pitt describes Gly as having chest and shoulders so ponderous they seem deformed. His head is smooth-shaven, and his face could have been described as handsome but for his large misshapen nose. Pitt breaks his nose again when he is torturing Pitt in Room Six. An American mercenary born in Arizona. Said to have thick, protruding lips, and the pupils of his eyes are deep, dark and empty. In the attack on Cayo Santa Maria, Pitt fights with Gly. Pitt jams his thumb into Gly's eye socket and into his brain. Then Jessie LeBaron shoots him three times in the groin with a pistol.
Goodfly, George. One of the aliases used by Hagen when he is in New Mexico. Goodfly is said to be from New Orleans.
Gorman, Adrian. Senator who is having a breakfast meeting with Oates when the president is returning from Rock Creek Park along with Hudson. Hudson claims that attached to their table is a bomb.
Gottschalk, Alfred L. Morean. The American consul general to Brazil. He is aboard the Cyclops when she sinks. Described as having a short, round, almost comical frame. He wears his silver-yellow hair cropped excessively short in a Prussian style. He has narrow eyebrows that very nearly match his clipped mustache.
Gainchos Cay. Location on the Bahama Bank. The Prosperteer is five miles due south of the cay when the ground crew receives its last radio message.
Hagen, Ira. Described as a thick-bodied man with a round head covered with ivory hair. His stomach is immense and hairy, and his arms and legs protrude like tree trunks. Formerly an undercover operative for the Justice Department. Former wife's name was Martha; when she died, Hagen retired. Has three daughters and five grandchildren. Brother of the president of the United States. Resides in Denver, Colorado. Solves the riddle of the identity of the inner core for the president. After the attack on Cayo Santa Maria, is ordered by the president to Havana, Cuba.
Harris, Jack. Works for NUMA. Sandecker assigns him to replace Pitt on the Bering Sea Survey after he orders Pitt to search for Raymond LeBaron.
Harvey Pattenden National Physics Laboratory. Located in Bend, Oregon. The building is described as typical of the tech centers that have sprung up around the United States. Featuring contemporary architecture with heavy use of bronze glass and curving brick walls. The grounds are landscaped with pine trees and moss rock amid rolling mounds of grass. Mooney describes the laboratory as a research facility. Judge corrects him and explains that the laboratory works on the design of nuclear rocketry and third-generation nuclear weapons whose power is focused into narrow radiation beams that travel at the speed of light and can destroy targets deep in space.
Hero of the Revolution. Honorary title bestowed on Pitt by Fidel Castro.
Herras, Captain Roberto. Cuban captain Clark tricks into withdrawing the Cuban troops guarding the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Cola.
Hollyman, Major Gus. U.S. Air Force pilot of F-15E night attack fighter. Has almost one thousand hours of flight time. Hollyman is ordered to shoot down the Gettysburg so it can't land in Cuba. Called off at the last second, he instead leads the Gettysburg to a safe landing at Key West Naval Air Station.
Hope. The synthesized-voice computer in the NUMA computer room.
Horizon Communications System. Type of telephone system Pitt tells Victor most police departments utilize.
Horse and Artillery Inn. The inn overlooks Valley Forge State Park. Built in 1790 as a stagecoach stop and tavern for colonial travelers, it sits among sweeping lawns and a grove of shade trees. A picturesque three-story building with blue shutters, it has a stately front porch. An example of early limestone farm architecture, it bears a plaque designating it as listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Hoskins, Elmer. Secret Service advance man when the president visits the Congressional Country Club and first learns of the Jersey Colony.
Hudson, Leonard. Member of the Inner Core. Nicknamed Leo when he was a child. Played catcher on the president's baseball team. Was fat as a child but became a health nut and lost sixty pounds. Graduated with honors from Stanford University and later became director of the Harvey Pattenden National Pfiysics Laboratory in Oregon. Faked his death in a light plane crash in the Columbia River in 1965. Eriksen was also allegedly aboard the plane when it exploded while the two men were flying to a seminar in Seattle. Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Leonard Murphy. Described as having thick gray hair and a Satan-style beard.
Hydrogen. Gas that the Prosperteer was filled with when she reappeared. Hydrogen is not used in blimps since the Hindenburg disaster. Helium is used instead.
Inner Core. Group of nine men who originally conceived and implemented the Jersey Colony.
Jack. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as the stereotypical Latin out of a 1930s movie-flashing eyes, compact build, fireworks teeth, triangular mustache. Is ordered to operate the tugboat that will help move the ship out of Havana Harbor. Killed in the explosion, his remains are never recovered.
Jersey Colony. Conceived two months before President Kennedy's death, the Jersey Colony was designed to be a highly secret leapfrog project to place a United States colony on the moon. The Jersey Colony is located in a large cavern on the southern hemisphere of the moon's far side. Named for the nursery rhyme "Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon." Jersey is a breed of cow.
Joe. One of the Inner Core and the person who first briefs the president on the Jersey Colony. Described as having a slender, almost frail body with slim hips. Has indigo-blue eyes and gray hair. His facial features are described as narrow and vaguely Scandinavian. See Leonard Hudson.
Jones, Anson. Called by Hagen when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs. Member of the Inner Core. See General Clark Fisher.
Judge, Thomas. Alias used by Hagen in the investigation at the Harvey Pattenden Laboratory. Claims to be with the General Accounting Office.
Jurgens, Dave. Flight Commander of the Gettysburg.
Kaltenbach, Senator Henry. Senator famous for finding government fraud. Hagen claims to Mooney that it is he who ordered a probe of the Pattenden Laboratory.
Kazakhstan. Soviet province on the border with China where Soviet spacecraft usually touch down after reentry. Also the location Selenos 8 is launched from.
Kennedy Spaceport. Location on Cape Canaveral where the Gettysburg is due to land. Also location of the medical facilities where the Jersey Colonists are transfer-red after they land aboard the Gettysburg at Key West Naval Air Station.
Key West Naval Air Station. U.S. Navy base that lies at the end of the Florida Keys. The runway is one and a half miles long and two hundred feet wide. The base power is out when the Gettysburg lands there.
Kleist, Colonel Ramon. U.S. Marine Corps colonel. Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Pitt guesses his age as late fifties. He is a medium-skinned black, born in Argentina, the only child of a former SS officer who fled Germany after the war and married the daughter of a Liberian diplomat. Sent to a private school in New York, he decided to drop out and make a career in the Marines.
Koichak, Colonel General Viktor. Soviet officer in charge of the fifteen thousand Soviet military forces and advisors based in Cuba. Soviet in charge of the fifteen hundred troops awaiting the Getlysburg's arrival at Santa Clara.
Kornilov, Sergei. Chief of the Soviet space program.
Kronberg, Hans. Partner of Raymond LeBaron. Found by Pitt in the wreck of the Cyclops with his air hose cut. Crippled from the bends, he continues to dive.
Kronberg, Hilda. Wife of Hans Kronberg and first wife of Raymond LeBaron. Known as Hillary when married to LeBaron. Now in a senior citizen rest home near Leesburg, Virginia. Described as sickly thin with skin as transparent as tissue paper. Her face is heavily made up and her hair skillfully dyed. Her diamond rings would buy a small fleet of Rolls-Royces. Pitt guesses her age as a good fifteen years younger than the seventy-five she appears. Seventeen years younger than Hans Kronberg, she had been married for three years before Hans brought Raymond LeBaron to their home for dinner, and soon after they entered into an extramarital affair.
La Dorada. Also known as La Mujer Dorada, the golden woman. Mentioned by O'Meara as the true sex of the famous golden statue that is the most sought after piece of the El Dorado treasure. Ordered constructed by a South American king in honor of his most beloved concubine, whom priests ordered to be sacrificed. Described as standing nearly six feet tall, on a pedestal of rose quartz. Her body is solid gold, and O'Meara estimates the statue must weigh nearly one ton. Embedded in her chest where the heart should be is a great ruby, judged to be in the neighborhood of twelve hundred carats. The entire head of the statue is rumored to be one giant carved emerald, deep blue-green and flawless, which O'Meara guesses must weigh in the neighborhood of thirty pounds. When it is found by Hans Kronberg and Raymond LeBaron on the Cyclops, LeBaron kills Kronberg, pries the ruby from the heart and breaks it up, forming the nucleus of financing for his financial empire. Because of the revolution, he hides the body of La Dorada on top of the site where the Maine sank. Later recovered by Pitt, the statue is put on display at Washington's National Gallery.
Lake Guatavita, Colombia. Possible location of the El Dorado treasure. In 1965, the government of Colombia declared Lake Guatavita an area of cultural interest and banned all salvage operations.
Lariat Type 40. American-made hand-held surface-to air missile. The weapon homes in on its target with a guidance beam. The range is ten miles on earth but probably longer in the moon's rarefied atmosphere.
Larson, Steve. See Steve Busche.
LeBaron's house. Located on Beacon Drive in Great Falls Estate. The house is described sitting on a low hill above a tennis court and a swimming pool. A three-story brick colonial with a series of white columns holding up the roof over a long front porch, the wings extending to each side.
LeBaron, Jessie. Described as vibrant and bouncy with a repertory of a dozen different smiles, she is six months past fifty but looks closer to thirty-seven. She is slightly heavy-bodied but firm, and her facial skin is creamy-smooth. Her hair is a natural salt-and-pepper. Her eyes are large and dark. She is both scuba and skydiving certified. Sent by the president to meet with Fidel Castro to discuss a treaty with Cuba. Met Raymond LeBaron when she was a senior editor at Prosperteer magazine. Carried on an affair with Raymond LeBaron for years, then married him even though he never divorced Hilda Kronberg. Was third in an all state high school swim meet in Wyoming. Speaks Spanish, Russian, French and German.
LeBaron, Raymond. Member of the Inner Core. Publisher and owner of Prosperteer magazine. Graduate of Stanford University. Described as a very trim and healthy sixty-five-year-old who stands six feet seven inches tall. His eyes are the color of light oak, and he has meticulously combed graying hair. Came from a fairly affluent family. His father owned a chain of hardware stores. In the middle 1950s, he and a partner named Kronberg owned a marine salvage firm. The salvage company went broke, and two years later LeBaron launched his magazine, the Prosperteer. His first wife was named Hillary; his second wife is Jessie. Hillary is actually Hilda Kronberg, widow of Hans Kronberg. LeBaron was married to Hilda for thirty-three years. He told everyone Hilda was dead because divorcing an invalid was abhorrent to him. Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Ray Sampson. After the Prosperteer is captured and forced to land in Cuba, Raymond is taken prisoner and held on Cayo Santa Maria. Later dies on Cayo Santa Maria when a bullet meant for Pitt strikes him instead. His last words sound like "Look on the main sight."
Leopoldville. World War II troop transport ship torpedoed in the English Channel on Christmas Eve, 1944. The book Cyclops is dedicated to the men who lost their lives. For more detail on the Leopoldville, see the book The Sea Hunters.
Leuchenko, Major Grigory. A Russian specialist in guerrilla warfare who won many victories against the Afghanistan Freedom Fighters.
Little Eva. Late-season hurricane that is moving past Florida when Pitt takes off in the Prosperteer. At first, 291 the hurricane appears to pose no problem for Pitt aboard the Prosperteer, but it grows to Force 6.
Loper, Corporal Maria. Alias used by Jessie LeBaron as she and Pitt travel across Cuba with Figueroa.
Loper, Sergeant. One of the American attack force that storms Cayo Santa Maria. Doesn't speak English.
M-14 national match rifle. Type of rifle the Jersey Colonists have.
M-72 missile launcher. Weapon that fires a sixty-six millimeter rocket. Giordino uses it to shoot down the Cuban helicopter that threatens the Prosperteer.
Mack truck. Brand of truck that delivers the mysterious crate to the Cyclops. The Mack truck is a chain-drive.
Maine. Famous ship that was blown up in Havana Harbor. The attack on the Maine led to the start of the Spanish-American War. Her hulk was raised and towed out to sea in 1912, where she was sunk with her flag flying.
Maisky, Lyev. Deputy head of the First Chief Directorate, the foreign operations arm of the KGB. Described as having a common, blank face as one dimensional as his personality. Has a platinum cigarette holder and smokes long, unfiltered cigarettes.
Makarov 9-milimeter pistol. Automatic pistol Jessie LeBaron uses to force Pitt to the Cuban mainland when the attack on Cayo Santa Maria is completed.
Manny. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as a huge black with a deeply trenched face, wearing an old faded green shirt and khaki trousers. Described as looking like a man who had experienced the worst of life and had no illusions left. Smokes cigarettes. Is ordered to get the Amy Bigalow out of the Havana Harbor. Is aboard the Amy Bigalow's launch with Pitt when the explosion occurs. Killed, his body is later identified and shipped back to the United States for burial.
Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ordered by the president to coordinate relief efforts to Cuba after the explosion.
Mikoyan, Colonel. Soviet colonel Velikov orders to inspect the security measures around the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Cola after Clark switches guards. Mikoyan cannot be reached by radio because he and his driver are killed by Clark and their car pushed into the water.
Miniature electrical impulse jammer. Device contained in a fake cigarette lighter that Hagen/Judge uses to jam the observation cameras at the Pattenden Laboratory so he can search Mooney's office.
Mitchell, Irwin. Member of the Inner Core. Director of NASA's Flight Operations Center.
Modoc missile. Type of radar-guided missile Hollyman is ordered to use to shoot down the Gettysburg.
Moe. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as wearing the image of an academic-lost expression, unruly hair, neatly sculpted beard. Wears glasses. Is ordered to get the Ozero Zaysan out of Havana Harbor. Killed in the explosion, his remains are never recovered.
Monfort, Admiral Clyde. Head of the Caribbean Task Force. The president claims Monfort has the Navy searching for Pitt. When Sandecker calls Monfort to confirm, he finds it is false. The Navy is in fact conducting an amphibious landing exercise off Jamaica.
Monterey. Steamship Hans Kronberg sailed to Havana on December 10, 1958, to search for the Cyclops. It was the last time Hilda Kronberg saw her first husband.
Mooney, Dr. Earl J. Described as thirty-six years old with pine green eyes under thunderous eyebrows. Has a Pancho Villa mustache. A fat kid who went thin, he shares a similar academic record to Hudson's.
Mono Castle. Famous Cuban landmark that is described as a grim fortress guarding the entrance to Havana Harbor.
Murphy, Lieutenant Regis. Radar observer on Hollyman's F-15E. Chews gum.
National Science Foundation. Located in Washington, D.C. Hagen calls the foundation when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs.
Nitrogen narcosis. Malady that affects divers with too much nitrogen in their blood. Makes a diver light 294 headed and can lead to feelings of euphoria. Jessie LeBaron begins to suffer from it after the Prosperteer crashes.
O'Hara, Major Paddy. Alias Pitt uses in Cuba with Figueroa. Said to be in the Irish Republican Army on assignment as an advisor to the Cuban militia.
O'Meara, Dr. Ralph. Archaeologist. Described as having a thick Gabby Hayes beard that hides his face from the nose down.
Old cast-iron bathtub. Pitt finds the bathtub outside an abandoned shed on Cayo Santa Maria. He later uses it to escape from the island. Later in Pitt's garage.
Order of Lenin. Soviet medal that Maisky tells Velikov he will receive after recovering the Gettysburg.
Orinoco River. River in South America mentioned by O'Meara when speaking with Pitt at the Old Angler's Inn.
Ostrovski, Sergeant Ivan. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos 8. Described as a hardened veteran of the Afghanistan fighting.
Ozero Baykai. Soviet two hundred thousand-ton oil tanker. Docked near Antares Inlet. Described as eleven hundred feet in length with a one hundred sixty-foot beam. On the starboard side when the Pisto tows the three vessels out to sea. Cast off when she is a good mile from the center of town and away from the oil refinery.
Ozero Zaysan. Soviet cargo ship carrying military supplies and cargo. Docked in Havana Harbor to be used in Operation Rum & Cola. Has a cream-colored hull. Described as twenty thousand tons. When Moe boards the ship, he finds the Soviet crew has taken sledgehammers to every valve in the engine room.
Paftenden, Dr. Harvey. Founder of the laboratory that bears his name.
Perez, Colonel Ernesto. Alias used by Clark in tricking Herras into withdrawing his troops from the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Cola.
Perry, Kurt. One of the Jersey Colonists. A brilliant biochemist, he is the single fatality in the attack on the Soviets from Selenos 8.
Petrov, Lieutenant Dimitri. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos 8.
Pinon, Captain Manuel. Captain of the Russian-built Riga-class patrol frigate that is guarding the entrance to Havana Harbor. Described as a thirty-year-old ship retired by the Russian Navy. Has four-inch guns it fires at the Pisto, Amy Bigalow and Ozero Zaysan. Crushed in half by the Amy Bigalow.
Pisto. Tugboat piloted by Jack. Used to move the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Cola out of Havana Harbor. Named after a Spanish dish of stewed red peppers, zucchini and tomatoes. The sides of the tugboat are streaked with rust, and her brass is covered with verdigris. Powered by a big, 3,000-horsepower iese engine. ing propeller. First attaches lines to the Ozero Baykai and begins to push her out to sea. Returns next and moves the Ozero Zaysan. Later casts off the Ozero Baykai and tows the Amy Bigalow and the Ozero Zaysan out to sea. Blown two hundred feet high when Velikov activates the pocket transmitter.
Polevoi, Vladimir. Chief of KGB. His office is in Dzerzhinski Square.
Porter, Senator Dean. Member of the Inner Core. Joined the Inner Core in 1964 and helped set up the undercover financing. Once chaired the Foreign Relations Committee and narrowly lost a presidential primary race to George McGovern. Described as a bald-headed man in his late seventies, he has an unimpressive figure with a grand fatherly face.
Porterhouse. Code name for the helicopter pilot Hagen has trailing Hudson after he meets with the president.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Site of the U.S. Navy prison where one of the prisoners aboard the Cyclops is bound.
Post, Allan. Air Force general who heads up the military space program.
President of the United States. Formerly vice president, he was sworn into office after the former president lost his mind in Deep Six. Described as an energetic man who stands more than six feet tall and weighs a solid two hundred pounds. His face is square 297 jawed with firm features and a brow usually furrowed in a thoughtful frown. His intense gray eyes can be deceptively limpid. His silver hair is always neatly trimmed and parted on the right. A lieutenant in the Marine Corps, he served with an artillery company during the Korean War. Likes to drink guava juice. Secretly smokes Cuban Montecristo cigars. An old trusted school chum smuggles in a box from Canada every two months. Favorite sandwich is tuna with bacon.
Prosperteer. Blimp owned by Raymond LeBaron. Described as a tired-looking old airship with an aluminum skin that was once silver but is now white and spotted by several patches. Originally designated ZMC-2, Zeppelin Metal Clad Number Two. Constructed in Detroit and turned over to the U.S. Navy in 1929. Powered by two Wright Whirlwind engines each with 200 horsepower, she features eight stabilizing fins on her tail instead of the usual four. Measures one hundred forty-nine feet in length, and the aluminum gas envelope contains two hundred thousand cubic feet of helium. In service until 1942, the Prosperteer then languished in a deserted hangar in Key West, Florida, until 1988, when LeBaron bought the property and restored her.
QB-Tech. Company owned by Booth. Invents and manufactures scientific gadgets used in space. The plant is located ten miles west of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Quintana, Major Angelo. Marine major who will lead the attack on Cayo Santa Maria. Described as a dark 298 skinned man with slick, night-black hair and an enormous mustache. Sad eyes stare from a face wrinkled by long exposure to the wind and sun, and his lips barely move when he smiles.
Raleigh. Cruiser that collides with the Cyclops.
Raleigh, Sir Walter. Famous British explorer and treasure hunter mentioned by O'Meara as having searched for the El Dorado treasure. After his second unsuccessful attempt, King James had him beheaded.
Redfern, Lieutenant Commander. Commanding officer of the Key West Naval Air Station. Informs Mitchell that the runway lights are not functioning because a fuel tanker crashed into the power lines and the backup diesel generators failed from a mechanical malfunction. Mitchell orders Redfern to line the runway with cars and trucks with their headlights turned on.
Rock Creek Park. Park where the president holds a speech to commemorate the American servicemen who died in the sinking of the Leopoldville on Christmas Eve, 1944.
Roger. The Secret Service chauffeur who drives the president and Hudson from Rock Creek Park.
Ronsky, Ivan. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozen corpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. A veteran cosmonaut.
Room Six. Location on Cayo Santa Maria where Gly tortures the captives.
Rooney, Dr. Calvin. Coroner for Dade County, Florida. A native of Florida, Rooney is a U.S. Army veteran and Harvard Medical School graduate.
Rum & Cola. Code name for the Russian plan to eliminate Fidel and Raul Castro and take control of Cuba. The plan is designed to be blamed on the CIA.
Russell. One of the Jersey Colonists.
Russian frigate. Riga-class patrol frigate that fires on the Amy Bigalow and the other ships heading to sea. Run down and sliced in half by the Amy Bigalow.
Rykov, Anastas. Soviet geophysicist working on the Cosmos Lunar Project that discovers proof of the Jersey Colony from lunar photographs taken by Selenos 4. Works at the Geophysical Space Center.
Salazar, Reggie. The president's golf caddie. Described as a short, wiry Hispanic. A wit and philosopher, Salazar always dresses for caddie duties like a field laborer blue jeans, western shirt, GI boots and a rancher's wide-brimmed straw hat. Captured by Joe and drugged after the president plays the front nine holes of golf.
SALT IV. Nuclear reduction treaty the president and Antonov are negotiating.
Salyut 9. Soviet space station that is circling the earth. Carries four cosmonauts.
Salyut 10. New Soviet space station.
Sam. Alias for Pitt that Clark gives Manny, Moe and Jack.
San Salvador. The smallest island of the Bahamas and staging area for the troops who will attack Cayo Santa Maria. Known by the old mariners as Watling Island after a zealous buccaneer who flogged the members of his crew who did not observe the Sabbath. Also believed to be the island where Columbus first stepped ashore in the New World. Has a picturesque harbor and a lush interior blued by freshwater takes.
Santa Clara. Location in Cuba where the Soviets want to attempt to force the Gettysburg to land.
Santa Clara Convent. Dating from 1643, the Havana convent is taken' over and used as a temporary hospital after the explosion.
Schonstedt Gradiometer. An instrument used by NUMA to detect iron by measuring magnetic intensity. Gunn is operating one aboard the Prosperteer when Pitt sets out to find the Cyclops.
Selenos 4. Russian lunar probe that, instead of landing in Siberia, landed in the Caribbean Sea. Allegedly unmanned but instead carrying three cosmonauts. Raymond LeBaron was searching for the probe when he disappeared.
Selenos 8. The Soviets' first manned lunar landing mission. It is scheduled for launch in seven days from the time the Soviets first learn of the Jersey Colony. Described as a super rocket with four strap-on boosters generating fourteen million pounds of thrust. The rocket throws out a tail of orange-yellow flame one thousand feet long and three hundred feet wide. It carries a one hundred ten-ton manned lunar station.
Shea, Willie. The Jersey Colony's geophysicist. Has a hint of a Boston twang.
Sherman, Jack. Commander of the Columbus.
Sigler, Colonel Ralph Moorhouse. Described by O'Meara as a real character from the old explorer school. Arrived in the summer of 1916 in Georgetown in what was then British Guiana. With a party of twenty men, he set out into the wilds, then was not heard from until two years later, when he was found five hundred miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro by an American expedition surveying for a railroad. More dead than alive, he described stealing the La Dorada statue, then fighting off the Zanona Indians, dragging it to a river and floating it by raft downstream. O'Meara and Pitt believe Gottschalk found out about Sigler and the statue and recovered it himself.
Simmons, Jess. U.S. secretary of defense.
Sirloin. Code name for Hudson when Hagen is trailing him.
Sloppy Joe's. A onetime watering hole in old Havana patronized by wealthy American celebrities. Now a dingy hole in the wall, long forgotten except by in elderly few. Location where Castro questions Velikov and where Velikov triggers the explosion with his pocket transmitter.
Snodgrass, Elmer. Alias Pitt uses when he is first questioned by Velikov. Said to be from Moline, Illinois. Velikov is not taken in by the ruse and produces a dossier on Pitt.
Socotra. Island near Yemen where the Soviets have a ground tracking station. Space signals from Selenos 4 were transmitted there, and that is where the Soviets got proof of the existence of the Jersey Colony.
Southern Comfort. Thirty-five-foot white fishing boat that is used by Sweat as his second office. Powered by a single 260-horsepower turbocharged diesel, the vessel cruises at fifteen knots. Built in Australia by a company called Steber-craft.
Sparks. Nickname of the wireless operator aboard the LYctops. Is ordered by Worley not to transmit any messages until the Cyclops reaches Baltimore.
Special Interests Section. Group that is based in the American Mission at the Swiss Embassy. Located on the Malecon facing the water in Havana, Cuba.
SPUT. Acronym for Special-Purpose Undersea Transport. Submarine used to transport the troops who will attack Cayo Santa Maria close to the shoreline. Pitt describes it as slightly more than three hundred feet long and shaped like a chisel turned sideways. The horizontal wedge-like bow tapers quickly to an almost square hull that ends in a boxed-off stern. The upper deck is almost completely smooth without any projections. The vessel is totally automated with a nuclear powerplant that turns twin propellers or, when required, soundless pumps that take in water from the forward momentum and thrust it silently through vents along the sides. Specially designed to support covert operations, she can run as deep as eight hundred feet at fifty knots. She is also capable of running onto the beach, spreading her bows and disgorging a two-hundred-member landing force along with several vehicles.
Steinmetz, Eli. In charge of the Jersey Colony on the moon. Graduated from Caltech, then received a master's degree from MIT. Described as the kind of engineer who overcomes obstacles by designing a mechanical solution and then building it with his own hands. Prior to joining the Jersey Colony Project, he supervised construction projects in half the countries of the world, including Russia. First stepped on the moon at age fifty-three; he is now fifty-nine. His head is shaven, and he has no beard. His skin has a dusky tint, and his eyes are slate black. Described as a fifth generation American Jew who could walk into a Muslim mosque unnoticed. His father was killed at Wake Island in World War II.
Stewart, Fireman Third Class Oscar. Formerly stationed on the cruiser Pittsburgh. Murdered by Coker and DeVoe.
Sweat, Sheriff Tyler. Dade County, Florida, sheriff. Described as a medium-built, brooding man with slightly rounded shoulders.
Swiss Embassy. Location of the American Mission, a sort of quasi official U.S. embassy. The building used by the Swiss was formerly the U.S. embassy.
TAEM. Terminal-area energy management. A process used on the Gettysburg for conserving speed and altitude.
Tass. Soviet news organization mentioned by the president.
T-Bone. Code name Hagen uses when trailing Hudson after he meets with the president.
Thornburg, Bob. Chief document analyst for the CIA at the headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
Unified Space Ooerations Center. U.S. military space organization near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Described as nineteen miles east of Colorado Springs down Hi way 94 and Enoch Road. A two-billiongh dollar project, the center was constructed on six hundred forty acres of land and is manned by five thousand uniformed and civilian personnel. The center controls all military space vehicle and shuttle flights as well as satellite monitoring programs. Nicknamed the Space Capital of the World.
Velikov, General Peter. Mastermind behind Rum & Cola. Described as a short, trim man. Pitt judges him to be no more than five foot seven, weighing about one hundred thirty pounds, somewhere in his late forties. His hair is short and black with a touch of gray at the sideburns and receding around a peak above the forehead. His eyes are as blue as an alpine lake, and his light skinned face seems sculpted more by classic Roman influence than Slavic. With the G.R.U, Velikov is considered a wizard at Third World government infiltration and manipulation. His American-accented English is letter-perfect. When captured by the Castros and taken to Sloppy Joe's for questioning, he activates the pocket transmitter early and unleashes the explosion.
Victor, Detective Lieutenant Harry. A lead investigator for the Dade County Police Department. Wears rimless glasses and a blond hairpiece. Described as a tidy man who enjoys making out reports.
VIKOR. Navigational system that utilizes satellites. Aboard the Prosperteer when Pitt takes off. Pitt radios his last VIKOR reading as H3608 by T8090, which places the blimp five miles due south of Guinchos Cay.
Walter Reed Army Hospital. Hospital near Washington, D.C.where the remains of the three men found aboard the Prosperteer are taken.
Ward, Clyde. Alias for Clyde Booth.
Weehawken Marine Products. Company in Baltimore that manufactured the diving helmet worn by Kronberg aboard the Cyclops. The helmet reads: "Weehawken Products Inc Mark V, Serial Number 58-67-C." Weehawken has been making the helmet since 1916. It is constructed of spun copper with bronze fittings and has four sealed-glass viewports. The helmet is still popular for certain types of surface-supplied diving operations. Farmer explains the serial number: 58 is the year it was made, 67 is the production number, C stands for commercial Wintrop Manor Nursing Rome. Nursing home near Leesburg, Virginia, where Hilda Kronberg resides. Described as an idyllic setting, with a nine-hole golf course, tropical indoor pool, an elegant dining room and lush landscaped gardens.
Worley, Lieutenant commander George. Described as a bull of a man. His neck is almost nonexistent, with a massive head that seems to erupt from his shoulders. His hands are long and as thick as an encyclopedia. Never a stickler for Navy regulations; his uniform aboard ship usually consists of bedroom slippers, derby hat and long john underwear. Speaks with a slight German accent. His real name is Johann Wichman. Born in Germany, he illegally entered the United States when he jumped a merchant ship in San Francisco during 1878. While commanding the Cyclops, he lived in Norfolk, Virginia.
Wykoff, Victor. Deputy secretary of state. Works under Oates.
X-ray laser defense system. Space weapons system mentioned by Post to the president. The system won't be operational for another fourteen months.
Yaseg General Maiden. Head of the Soviet Military Space Command. Described as a big, beefy man with a red face. His hair is smoke-gray and his eyes steady and hard. Smokes cigarettes that he stores in a thin gold case.
Yudenich, Alexander. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozen corpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. A rookie cosmonaut.
Yushchuk, Corporal Mikhafl. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos 8.
Zanona. Word uttered by Gottschalk just before a South American Indian assassin stabs him with the spear in the cargo hold of the Cyclops. A tribe of cannibalistic Amazon Indians who allegedly guard the treasure of El Dorado.
Zil lusine. Soviet-made seven-seater limousine used by high-ranking government and military officials. Powered by a seven-liter 425-horsepower engine. Velikov is aboard a Zil when Pitt is stopped at a roadblock.
Zochenko, Sergei. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozen corpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. A veteran cosmonaut.